Chapter 1

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This is not a romance where the nerd falls in love with the bad boy. This is about my stepbrother Jason and me. No, we do not hate each other. No, I'm not even a freaking nerd, geek, or loser. But yes, he is the ever-so-popular "bad boy." That's where the similarities end. So what's the big deal? I guess you'll have to read and find out...

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Emmalyn POV

I remember the day I first met my stepbrother. I was almost five years old. I could still recollect that night. My mom looked pretty in a long, black silk dress. She looked like a beautiful queen. She was excited, a significant difference from the year before. Not only that, I remembered my mom curling my hair and changing me into a dandelion yellow dress. I felt like a princess.

"Sweetie! You'll finally get to meet them! They are so excited to see you!" She squealed.

"Who, mommy? Who are you talking about?" I asked as she finished with my curls.

"Two very special boys who I hope will stay with us for a long time," she winked.

"Boys?" I scrunched up my nose in disgust. "Why would you want a boy to stay with us, especially two?"

She laughed. "Well, when you get older, you will change your mind about boys."

"No, I won't!" I frowned.


"That must be them!" Mom raced down the stairs.

I followed behind her.

"How do I look? Is my hair too messy? What if I overdressed? David did say to dress nice. Still, maybe I should change-" My mom acted flustered.

"Mommy, aren't they waiting outside?" I wondered.

"Oh yeah!" She exclaimed, opening the door swiftly.

"Hello, Siobhan. You look gorgeous as always," The tall man in front of Mom said. "Here, these are for you." I saw him hand a bouquet of red roses to her. He crouched down to me. "And is this who I think she is?"

I stared at him. "You're really pretty." I blurted out. I automatically blushed and hid behind my mom. He was pretty though! His eyes sparkled like the ocean, and he looked like he had soft chocolate-colored hair. I wanted to touch it.

"Why thank you." He chuckled. "You're pretty too!"

I blushed even more. I looked away from him. That's when I noticed the second boy Mommy was talking about. He looked a bit older than me. I realized he looked like a mini version of the man, but the boy had blond hair instead. He was looking at me with wide eyes.

He is also beautiful, like an angel, I thought. I didn't know why, but I started smiling at him. I liked him already. I said my thought aloud because he started laughing hard.

I looked at him. His smile and laugh were pretty too. He reminded me of a sun, the way he seemed to glow as he laughed.

"Why are you laughing?" I was confused.

He stopped abruptly. His cheeks turned slightly pink.

"I'm Jason." He reached out a hand.

"I'm Emmalyn." Instead of shaking his hand, I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him tightly.

And so began my life with my stepbrother Jason...

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