Chapter 4 - Escaping Wrath

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Emmalyn POV


'Yes!' I let out a sigh of relief and ran out of the room. Of course, I grab the detention slip from the desk on my way out. "One class down, five more to go!" I throw a fist pump into the air.


"Flipping freaking freaks!" I holler in pain as my fist comes in contact with someone's jaw. Who has a jaw this hard? I felt like I hit a brick wall. I wrap my hand around my bruised hand to numb the pain resonating from my knuckles.

I hear a collective gasp as I nurse my aching hand. What's going on? Is high school really this dramatic? I don't want to admit it but Sunny was right about high school.

"Did she just?" A girl gasps.

"...she did!" Her friend agrees.

"Well, she's screwed."

"Tsk, freshman."

"Pity her.."

"That bitch! She hit Jason's flawless face!"

I look pointedly at the girl who said that. I cock an eyebrow. Well, Jason has a little follower.

"What you looking at freak?"

"You." I look at her again and her outfit. I try not to judge her but I don't think her outfit is school-appropriate. "Don't mind me." I flash her a fake smile.

I slowly turn around, already knowing who I punched by now. "Uh hey, Sunny! How was class?" I cringe and give an awkward wave.

He rubs his jaw. "That's one hell of a punch." He doesn't even look angry. He looks more amused if anything.

"Technically, it's a fist pump!" I correct him sheepishly. Whew.

Drake comes around and rests an elbow on Jason's shoulder. He nods towards me.

"Whatever," Jason rolls his eyes. Then, he glares at me. Forget what I said before. He is mad.

"I'm sorry. It's just a small punch." I shrink back a little.

"Nothing to see here." Jason directs his glare at the people around us. They scurry away like frightened mice.

Hmmmmm. I observe this power of his. Very interesting.

"It's not that Em. You damaged that big pride of his. Now, this big bad boy will have rumors spreading about how a little girl punched him," Drake grinned.

We start laughing while Jason glares at us. "Dude Sunny! Your face will stay like that for the rest of your life if you keep glaring! I think I should call you Glare instead of Sunny!"

Drake and I high-five.

"What's that yellow paper in your hand?" He notices the crumpled paper.

"Oh, this? It's my worksheet!" I chuckle nervously while putting my hands behind my back. Jason was such a prick with discipline. He got all disappointed and brotherly whenever I did something stupid, risky, etc., I mean, it's not like he doesn't! He can be very hypocritical.

Maybe today would be my lucky day and he won't be too hard on me.

"Worksheet? It's such a small worksheet..." He studies my hands. "If I didn't know better, I would say it's about the same size and color as a detention slip..."

"PSH. Me? I'm a model student! Plus, how would you know what a detention slip looks like?" I say. I hope he doesn't find out.

"You're lying."

"Am not!"

"You look at my eyebrows when you lie."

"I do not!" I protest and look at his eyes. I didn't even know I did that when I lied. Well, I know what he does when he lies.

All of a sudden, I feel someone grab the paper from my hand and throw me over his shoulder. "Well, look right here! Miss Emmalyn Carter has a detention slip, and it's only her very first class!" Drake announces.

I shake my head in shame, so much for my lucky day. "Drake! You traitor! Let me go!"

Drake hands the slip to Jason. "Just doing my duty Em!" He salutes.

"Miss Emmalyn Carter has detention for disrupting class, disrespecting her class and teacher, and not following instructions." Jason reads aloud.

"I swear I wasn't!" I yell, disregarding the students staring to gather around us. Stupid drama-seeking hormonal students who are too nosy for their good. "She has something against me!"

Jason and Drake bring me to a more secluded hallway.

"I expected more from you! C'mon, you couldn't even handle one class? Seriously?" He starts his infamous speech.

Here we go again.

"It took us two days before we got detention!" Drake added. "You trying to beat our record?"

"Not helping, Drake." Jason grits out his teeth. The vein in his neck starts showing. It only shows when he's angry.

"I don't want you to be like me. Be better. I know you can," he shakes his head in disappointment. And here is his pity speech...

I push off from Drake's shoulder and do a black flip to the ground. I mentally applaud my expert landing and precision—all thanks to my years of martial arts and gymnastics. I bow to Jason and Drake. Then, I bolt off to my next class. "I'll see you never!"

"EMMALYN!" Jason yells down the hall.

I wince. He only says my full name when he's in a bad mood.

Oh well.

And that's how you escape from the wrath of your brother. Well, you postpone it at least.

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