Chapter 3 - Eastly the Beastly

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As Jason and I near the school, I notice some stares. Quite a few.

"Uhh Jacey?" I whisper, or at least try to whisper since we both have helmets on.


"Why are people staring?"

"Ignore them."

"Uhh, it's kind of difficult when everyone in the parking lot is staring at us." I can feel my eyes burning through my back. Did I leave the house with the wrong outfit? Do I look weird? I thought I matched my outfit very cutely.

"I bet they are all staring at my bike." He explains.

"Sure..." I doubt it as he's always come to school on a bike.

As soon as Jason and I get off the bike, a group of students swarms us.

"Hey, man!"

"How was your summer?"

"Who's that chick?"


Jason takes off his helmet. Then, he takes mine off for me. When he does that, I hear some faint whispers and gasps.

Shoot. Do I have helmet hair? Aw damn. That's embarrassing.

"Do I have helmet hair?" I low-key whisper to Jason. It's kind of difficult when he's a foot taller.

"Nope," he glances at me.

"Then, why did they gasp?"

"I am not-"

"Jace!" A guy comes through the crowd and does the "bro handshake" that guys do. From the side, he looks vaguely familiar. He turns towards me.

"Em!" He picks me up and crushes me into a big bear hug.

Oh, wait, now I remember him. How can I forget these bone-crushing hugs of his? He's Drake Jordan, my brother's scary-looking but sweet best friend. He isn't that scary-looking. He is quite handsome, but his towering 6'4" stature and muscular frame give off an intimidating aura. Heck, he looks like a badass Abercrombie model. Knowing him for years as my brother's best friend, I think Drake is a big, adorable teddy bear. He's like a second brother to me. Sometimes I want to say I like him better than Jason.

"Drake!" I yell once he puts me down. "I haven't seen you all summer!"

"Yeah. I went to my Gram's house in Malibu all summer. I even got a job there as a lifeguard/surfer instructor. I came back just yesterday."

"You look great." I compliment him. He's glowing from a bronze tan. I wish I knew how to surf. Perhaps he can teach me one day.

"But wait, you didn't invite me?" I tease. "Thanks for the invite."

"Hey! Jace told me you two went to New York! So how was it?"

Just when I am about to respond, the first bell rings. The crowd around us disperses. To be honest, I did not even realize they were still here.

"I don't even know where my first class is!" I groan.

"Who do you have?" Drake asks, while Jason grabs my schedule from my hand and looks at it.

"Dude! Do you have Eastly for Algebra 2? Honors? Do you have four honors? Someone's an overachiever," Drake jokes. "That sucks though, I had her too. Eastly, aka Beastly, is a complete bitch. Just don't get on her bad side. Oh yeah, don't talk, text, or eat food in her class."

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