Chapter 9 - Drama

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"You ditched me," Aaron says as I slide into my seat next to him.

"Oh shoot!" I slap my forehead. "I forgot!" I missed detention! Whoops!

"Yeah. You left me all alone with Beastly. It was just me and her. We had a little bit of quality bonding time. It was amazing. She watched me clean every inch of her already spotless room. Overall, it was just so incredibly fun." He says in a monotone.

"I'm sorry." I feel super guilty.

"Hey, it was not too bad." He shrugs. "You get to go through it too. You're going to have to talk to Beastly anyway."

"Thanks..." I groan. I hope she forgets.

"Miss Emmalyn, please see me after class." Beastly casually mentions as she hands out our rubric tests.

Damn. There goes my hope.

On the bright side, I actually read the rubric. Thus, I finish the test rather early in fifteen minutes. There are one hundred multiple-choice questions. The rubric is two pages long, front and back. I do not see how she can somehow get one hundred questions though. This is just pointless. We are in freaking math class!

For the remainder of the period, I text my buds, Cody and Jarod. I'm careful to not get caught.


Finally! Class is over! The silence is unnerving. As soon as it rings, I jump up and out of the room.

Ahem. I hear someone clear her throat.

I abruptly stop and meekly turn around. "Hello, Ms. Eastly."

"Emmalyn, you did not show up to detention yesterday. May I ask why not?" She states the obvious.

"I'm sorry. I had cheerleading final cuts yesterday."

"That is no excuse. I hope you realize the importance of academics. Extracurriculars can wait. Your grades are important. Prioritize."

"Of course." I nod, not listening. "I shall come today. Is it alright if I come at sixth?"

"I am feeling lenient. I will let you come at sixth since I do not have a class."

"Alright. Thank you!" I quickly run out of that hellhole.

I would have expected the second day of school to be better than the first.

It is not.

Problem? Not my detention.

Girls, specifically teenage girls. Teen girls who spread rumors, gossip, and create drama.

I come to school with Jason and hang out with my bros. The guys I hang out with are the most sought-after guys in the school. That causes girls to hate me.

Don't you hate it when people judge or assume things about you? They don't even know me. I'm not one to go blabbing out my life story, but I am ticked at what some of them are saying. I mean, just how gullible and manipulative people are?

I even compiled a list of what I heard:

1. I'm six-timing the guys. (No comment.)

2. I'm good in bed. (I'm a virgin -pst, pst-)

3. I've slept with the entire football team. (Jason is on the team. Nuff said.)

4. I'm a slut. (Takes one to know one!)

5. I'm hot. (Why, thank you.)

6. This one is funny. I have plastic surgery. It's just so ridiculous!

Let's just say the cons outweigh the pros. Oh, that's not even the end of the list either. It's just that I stopped listening afterward. People sure are gossipy.

Then, I had a slight bump in with the HBEM, aka Head Bitch and Evil Minions. It was in the most clichéd spot the restroom. I mean, c'mon?

I never understand why girl gang-ups occur in restrooms. First of all, that is unsanitary. Second of all, gross.

I'm minding my own business when they come strutting in.

"Did I not warn you to stay away from the Six?" Rebecca threatens.

"Did you?" I ask innocently.

"You're not even that pretty. How long did it get for you to sleep your way into the Six?" She sneers. "You're not special."

"But Jason never lets anyone ride with him on the bike. Ever." A fake blonde girl behind her whispers.

"Shut up!" Rebecca snaps at the chick.

"How are you so close with them anyways?" A nice-looking girl to the right asks. I say nice because she seems to have the least amount of makeup on.

"Aha! Ding, ding, ding!" I imitate a bell. "We have a winner! Someone finally asks questions rather than assuming things. But I'm not going to blab to you."

"You did not heed my warning. Therefore, there will be repercussions." Rebecca rudely interrupts. Can she not see that I'm having a conversation here? She places one hand on her hip.

"Wow, such big words. There is actually a brain under that thick skull of yours?" I applaud her efforts.

"You bitch!" Her eyes light up in fury. Someone is sensitive.

She raises one hand. I predict she is going to do a " bitch slap." I value my face, so I dodge out of her range.

"Sorry, I like my face. You should too. All those layers of makeup will clog your pores." I step back a bit. "Oh, and was that all you could do? The rumors are blatantly fake. If you are going to spread lies, at least do it right."

"How'd you-?" She is bewildered. Then, she regains her composure. "You were just lucky."

"Sure..." I drawl out. "Just like how you got onto the squad. Whoops, did I say that aloud?" By now, I'm just irritated. It's the end of the fourth period, and lunch is about to start. I take my food very seriously. I take a few more steps back.

"You...bitch!" She walks up to me.

"Yeah, very creative. Just keep recycling your insults." I should probably stop provoking her. My hands finally reach the restroom door.

Rebecca raises an arm back. Huh, she is going to try to slap me again? Eh, it beats getting punched. Still, she's violent.

I catch her wrist with my right hand before her hand comes anywhere near my face. "Well, I have lunch. You know, the time we eat food?" I say, dropping her arm. "I would love to stay and chat, but the bell is going to ring. I would hate to be late." I throw open the door and walk off, leaving the girls with their jaws hanging open.

Okay, maybe the confrontation was not too bad. It was the aftereffect though. I WAS LATE! IT'S ALL THEIR FAULT. I missed the good lunches. Everyone took all the better lunches. I got stuck with a burger and fries. The better lunch was macaroni and cheese and cole slaw. MAC N CHEESE! Cue a sad face.

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