Chapter 2

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-Ten Years Later-

Emmalyn POV


I slam my hand on the snooze button.

Stupid alarm clock, but hey! IT'S THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!

If it wasn't for the fact that today was finally my first day of freaking high school, then I would not have been so excited. Typically, it took every ounce of my willpower to drag myself off my warm, comfortable bed. Plus, I usually wake up at 6:00 AM to work out. Yes, I was one of those people. Today, I decided to sleep for one more hour.

Smiling deviously, I run to Jason's room, which is conveniently located across from me. It's awesome since we share the entire third floor. Then again, the is a little too much closeness since we have to share a bathroom. The bathroom is pretty big though.

I yank his curtains wide open, letting the bright sunshine permeate through his dark room. "WAKEY WAKEY!" I scream and launch myself onto Jason's bed. "RISE AND SHINE, OH LOVING BROTHER OF MINE!"

I smack right onto his body. That hurt. "Freaking unnaturally muscular body..." I mutter under my breath.

"Ugh..." Jason groans. "asdkjbdeojnwoa..."

I nod, pretending to understand his grumblings.

"It's too early," Jason frowns, squinting his eyes at me.

"It's 7:10 AM now!" I yell. "At least I think it is. We're going to be late! I don't even know what time it is because somebody doesn't have an alarm clock or any clocks at all!"

"It's 7:10?" He mumbles.

"Yes," I roll my eyes. "C'mon Sunny! It's the first day of school! I don't want to be late!"

"Fine..." He reluctantly starts climbing out of the bed. "What is so great about school?"


"Not much of a big deal. It's school."

"What do you mean 'just school'?"

"Uh, just school?"

"I'm finally a high schooler! That's all you can say?"

"Um, congrats?"

I roll my eyes.

"You're happy you're a freshman scrub?"

"Hey! A freshman is a freshman."

"That did not make sense. Scrubs are scrubs. Freshmen get pummeled all the time. Nobody likes freshmen."

"You're trolling me," I frown. "Right?"

"Yeah, sure." He smiles and shrugs his shoulders.

"Emmy...?" He was using the voice when he wanted me to do him a favor.

"Yes?" I wonder what he wants me to do.

"Could you carry me to the bathroom?"

I glare at him. This lazy excuse of a big brother is asking me, who is 5'3", to carry him, who is 6'3." Plus, he is also eighty pounds heavier than me.

Yeah, not going to end well.

"Please? We're both going there anyways!"

"No, it's only ten feet away."

"That's a lot!"


"I'll do whatever you want!"

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