十一 - Confessions, Thoughts and Butterflies

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There sat Colton, the bright screen of his MacBook being the only source of light in his room. He could physically hear his heartbeat in his ears. He had completely zooned out, and started contemplating whether he should tell Cindy or not. There were just so many possibilities that could happen. His palms were sweating as he continued rubbing them together.

Cindy's sharp voice cutting over her delicate song that played in the background, "So, what did you want to tell me?" Colton drew in a breath as he gathered up all of his courage to finally spit out the words he had felt the moment he pressed the call button.


This clearly made Cindy more and more anxious to find out the words about to emerge from Colton's lips. "Colton, C'mon, just spit it out," she laughed. Hearing her laugh made Colton's heart beat even faster; if that was even possible.

"I like you."

These three words made Cindy stop immediately. Her breathing increased as she slightly began shaking. It wasn't the first time she had heard these words, she had boys confess to her before. But, Colton was a different story; a different story completely. This wasn't part of Cindy's plan, Colton wasn't a part of her plan. Her plan was to relax, not find herself tangled in the mixed feelings she had thought she had once buried.

The four seconds of silence had made Colton regret what he had just said with every nerve in him. He would've sacrificed his feelings if he had known it would've turned out like this. He didn't want to know that an Australian he had once called nearly every day was getting along in life without him, just because he had said three words.

"Let's not," were the only words Cindy could get out. She tried to sound cheery, but it came out as more of a nervous laugh, something she wished she could take back the second Cindy had realised her actions.

As soon as those words travelled through to Colton's ears, his heart dropped. He being disappointed was an understatement, as he wanted to drop the call and hope this was all a dream.

"Why not?"

This was the only question on Colton's mind, as he couldn't deny he had some sort of anger built inside of him. He knew it wasn't her fault, he knew that she had another life outside of the measly Skype app. He knew that she'd have cute boys in her class. But, what disappointed Colton the most was that Cindy didn't even him an explanation, she never did.

"Because, Colton, I just..."

"I'm not going to hurt you; not like the others," This incomplete sentence made Cindy's heartstrings tug at her, as her stomach began to drop. Her jaw clenched as she stopped herself from crying, as she stopped herself from telling Colton about all her 'heartbreaks' throughout her life.

Colton felt as if he had crossed the line, by the unusual silence coming from the other side of the call. But, he just needed to tell Cindy that he was different from all the others; even though she failed to believe him.

Colton knew he had to change the subject; fast. The first thing that came to his mind was their deal, of Cindy complimenting him before they said goodbye. This gave Colton at least somewhat of an idea that Cindy was still 'there.' He hated it how she complimented Louie so care freely, but when it came to him, she always sounded so hesitant. Colton hated the idea of him being on the bottom of her list, while she was first on his.

"Are you even listening? I just complimented you."

"Wait no, I zoned out, say it again." How could Colton be so inconsiderate and let his own thoughts override one of the highlights of his day.

"No, you know how it works, if you don't listen; it's your loss." Colton's heart dropped of the second time that night, as he was so close on physically begging Cindy to repeat herself.


Cindy hated how she would give into Colton so easily, she hated the way all he had to do was say please and she'd do it.

"I love it how you can make almost everyone laugh, and how you are confident in your sense of humour, even though you don't know how people will react."

Colton was absolutely mesmerised by the words that came through his ear that night. It was honestly one of the first times a girl had given him butterflies. He wanted to tell Cindy how she made him feel. He had opened his mouth, when he had realised the reaction he had gotten from her earlier in the call.

"Tell me something I didn't know," was the only reply he could think of. He knew it aggravated Cindy as he knew it took almost everything of Cindy to compliment a cocky-narcissistic boy across the globe.

"I hate you," This made Colton's mood just drop immediately, as he sound of the skype call ending left his room in silence. He knew that Cindy was joking, but it made him realise how these one-sided feelings were eating him alive.

Their thoughts kept tracing back to one and another as Cindy tried to concentrate of her weekly maths homework. She usually found herself completely it in ten minutes without a problem. But, she looked at the clock and found it had been 20 minutes and she was still no halfway done.

A part of her knew the small hints Colton would drop, but hearing him say it, made Cindy more considerate of his feelings, and most importantly; she had finally acknowledged her feelings.

Half an hour after the call had ended, Colton crawled into bed - his mind filled with thoughts only consisting of the girl living more than half the world away from him. He thought how it could've gone a lot better, she could've said her feelings were the same; but that wasn't Cindy. Cindy was the stubborn type. She was the type to block off their feelings because they found it 'unrealistic.'

Sure, it broke Colton's heart in the slightest, but his parents didn't go up for him to just give up. His parents would tell me to chase after what he wanted; and that's what he was going to do.


I flopped this chapter and cindy saved my ass

Thanks @jonguecxx

I cant write like this

Or maybe i will try to, this whole thing will be a draft and will be undergoing some maaajooooooorrr editing

Disclaimer: i did not write this

I love this

This ichapter was great

So much many feeling

Ok bye

But butterflies????????


Ok i sory bye


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