九 - Doors, Talks, and Hurting

38 0 2

APRIL 2017


She turns her back against the door, still in shock.

What was he doing here? Had he followed her home? Was he staking her the whole time? Don’t be ridiculous, he may be an a hole, but he’s not a pedophile, she snap at herself. Is this some kind of sick joke? What kind of game is he even playing at?

You would’ve thought that he got the hint to stay away when they bumped into each other earlier today, but no.

Colton banged at the door noisily, and Cindy could feel the door’s vibrations through her body, “Open the door Cindy!” he shouts. She scoff,

As if.

But he persisted, he kept hitting the door, pleading for her to open door to ‘talk’. There is nothing else to be said between them, their friendship has come to an end, period. She knew that Colton knew it, so why is he trying now?

Colton sighs, he knew that she isn’t going to open up anytime soon to him, in both ways. So he guess that he would just have to wait until she comes around. He gives it up and sits on the floor, his legs were so close into buckling from standing anyway.

Cindy made her way back to her bed, flopping on it, exhausted. She had definetaly jinxed the peace and quiet she thought she had finally gotten. Why didn’t she knock on wood? Oh, good one Cindy.

Suddenly the banging stops, and she pause, her eyebrows drawing into a line. Is he gone?

She takes tentative steps towards the door, and reached out to grab the handle. Wait, how is she sure that he is gone? For all she knew, this could be a trap. Jesus, it’s only Colton and she’s treating it like he was a zombie, ready to eat her. She backs away from the handle, she was still not taking any chances.

An hour or two passed, the sun is setting, casting rays of light through the shades of the window. Cindy hadn’t heard a sound since, except from the ones in her favourite puzzle game, 1010. Surely he was gone, he can’t have stood on the other side for that long.

Emma has yet to show up, those hours gave Cindy time to think about what she had said to her, now regretting it. Emma knows about Colton, so why couldn’t she have explained it to her then?

Cindy stands up and walks towards the exit, she has to explain and apologise to her. She was about to open the door when she heard rustling and footsteps, Coltons’ still here?

Colton had sat there for what felt like years, he kind of half expected for Cindy to open the door and let him in, but he knows that she’s stubborn like that. Someone’s walking up the stairs, and he quickly stands up, brushes himself of imaginary dirt, ready to make up some lie in order for them to go away.

It’s the brunette, the one that stomped out of Cindy’s room a few hours ago. She suddenly looks up after taking her last step from the stairs, and freezes in the spot. Her reaction to seeing Colton here was the exact same as Cindy’s, full of surpise and disbelief.

“Oh, shit.” the girl whispers to herself.

He looks at her, confused, does she know him? Better yet, does he know her? The door he had spent a good ten minutes knocking on swings wide open, with the girl he had been trying to talk to ever since he found out that she’s staying just across the hall from him. He watches as Cindy envelops the brunette with a hug, talking to her in hushed whispers that Colton couldn’t catch.

“I’m sorry, I’m so, so, sorry,” Cindy says so softly that Emma struggles to listen, “I should’ve explained everything to you instead of pushing you away.”

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