Truth Or Dare

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Dipper's first week had been hell. His teachers weren't too bad but they piled up homework like it was exam week. He had spent most of the week trying to get as much done as possible so his weekend would be free to hang out with the others, but it hadn't been easy. When Friday rolled around he felt about ready to die.

"C'mon Dip Dop! Only one more day!" Mabel said encouragingly, patting his back. He munched on his toast weakly. "I don't know if I'll survive!" He countered, rubbing his eyes weakly. "Don't be so down! If I can do it so can you!" His sister's optimistic nature cheered him up a bit, and he nodded. "Ok, I'll try."

Dipper made it through the day, barely. He stumbled back to his room, exhausted as hell. Doe smiled at him sympathetically. "I know the feeling. I'm studying psychology." The taller male handed Dipper a granola bar, which he gratefully took. Now Dipper was about six feet tall, but Doe was at least six foot three. Come to think of it, all his new friends were huge. Well he wasn't sure about Stag, since he'd never even seen the guy. But he could assume.

He and Doe didn't talk much for the rest of the afternoon, as they were both working on their respective assignments. Dipper was about to start on his first essay when he got a skype call from Mabel. He answer and put on a smile. "Hey Mabel!" "Hey Dippingsauce! Sorry if I'm disturbing you but I needed a break from my work!" Dipper laughed good-naturedly. "No worries sis! I needed one too."

After a bit, Pacifica joined their conversation and Doe wandered over. "Where should we hang out?" Mabel asked, resting her chin on her hands. "I know a great place! Are you fan of weird paranormal things?" "YES!" The twins shouted together, stars in their eyes. Pacifica facepalmed. "These two live for it."

Doe laughed happily and clapped his hands. "Perfect! Then I know just the place to go! There's an abandoned science building on campus that they never bothered to demolish. It's supposed to be super haunted!" Pacifica shivered, remembering the ghost incident at her parents old estate. "That's so awesome Doe!" Mabel chirped, and Dipper heartily agreed.

The four of them talked late into the night, until they were all yawning and sleepy. "G'night Mabes and Pacifica..." Dipper mumbled, smiling at them. "Night Dipper!" They chirped back. "Night Doe!" "Goodnight!" He said back, ending the call. Dipper groaned and got up from the chair, falling onto his bed and dropping off instantly.

Doe smiled at him and went to his own bed, putting on his pyjamas and settling in, drifting off into a dreamless sleep.

Dipper, was not so lucky.

Dipper was in a room. It was dark, with rusted gears turning somewhere he couldn't see. There were chains hanging from the walls and blood was splattered everywhere. In the middle of the room was a hunched figure, bound by chains. Dipper walked towards it, terror coursing through him. "Hello?" He asked softly. That's when the figure moved. It lunged at him, screaming. "HELP ME!"

Dipper shot out of bed, breathing heavily. Looking at his clock he saw that it was 6:00 AM. Of course it was. "What was that?" He wondered, eyes wide. "It was so... Vivid... Could this mean anything? No... Of course not... It was just another nighmare... But that voice..." Dipper's heart went cold when he thought about it. That voice... Had been Bill's.

Dipper sat there for what felt like hours, letting this realization sink in. It must be a coincidence right? Just his brain using what it had. Right? Doe snapped him out of it by groaning loudly and sitting up. "Welp I'm awake..." He said, and looked over at Dipper. "What's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost." He resisted the urge to laugh at the irony of that statement, and instead simply replied with, "S'nothing... I just had a nightmare."

Doe scooted to the side of his bed, on his elbows. "You wanna talk about it?" "No no it's fine, I was just surprised..." "Alright... Well let's get up then, or we'll be late for breakfast!" Dipper glanced at the clock. It was 8:30! He'd been sitting there for that long?!

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