Secrets Revealed

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Dipper was a mess of anxiety the next day. He stuttered and stumbled over his words. He screwed up all his work and could barely raise his hand.

Bill hadn't come back yet, and it was freaking him out. He was already through half the day, and they were gonna tell Mabel today! If Bill didn't show... Dipper refused to think about what reasons the demon might have for not showing his face.

Bill finally showed up in the nick of time, catching up to Dipper in the hallways after the last class. "Heyaaa!" The brunet nearly jumped out of his skin. "B-Cy!" He caught himself in the last second, spinning around to look at him.

Bill grinned sneakily at him and put an arm around his shoulders. "So we gonna tell your sister or not?" "Y-yeah..." Dipper stuttered, trying to shrug Bill off to no avail. Eventually he just gave up and walked over to Mabel, leading her away from her chattering friends.

"Hey Mabel, Cy and I have something we'd like to tell you, in private." Mabel looked between the two of them, trying to figure out what they were gonna tell her. He could see her jumping to a million conclusions, so he hastily dragged her outside.

"Alright so what do you guys wanna tell me?" She asked, an eyebrow raised. "W-well u-uh I um..." Dipper stuttered, trying to find the words. Bill draped himself around Dipper's neck with a mischievous grin, making Dipper freeze up. Bill's teeth were dangerously close to his neck, and from the times he'd seen the demon grin, he knew how sharp his canines were. Mabel seemed to think otherwise, gasping. "Are you guys dating?!"

Both Dipper and Bill stared at her, Bill with confusion and Dipper with horror. "What?! No! God no!" Mabel grinned knowingly at him. "Are you suuuuure~?" The girl asked teasingly. "Why would I date the guy that ruined my life?!" Dipper snapped, earning a sinister chuckle from the demon wrapped around his neck. Mabel fell silent, a look of confusion covering her face. "What?"

Dipper took a deep breath and looked his sister in the eyes. "The guy wrapped around my neck right now, is Bill Cipher."

Needless to say, Mabel didn't take it all that well. "OW! FUCKING SATAN! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" Bill swore loudly, holding his head in pain. Mabel had chucked a rock at him, and clearly hit very hard. A small stream of blood trickled down the side of Bill's face. "As satisfying as that was to see Mabel, we can't attack him." Dipper said calmly, trying to placate his furious sister. "Why?! He's a monster! A bastard! A total dickhead!" Bill stuck out his tounge like a child, glaring at her. "Because I made a deal with him!"

That was the wrong thing to say.

"WHAT?!" Mabel shrieked, looking horrifed. "Just for the record, the deal wasn't my idea!" Bill said, rubbing his head and muttering healing spells under his breath. Mabel looked at Dipper pointedly, and he sighed. "Let's just sit down somewhere, and I'll explain."

The trio found a secluded park bench and sat down. Dipper told the whole story, from finding him to making the deal. "I wasn't sure if I should tell your or not but Bill and I figured it'd be easier that way." He finished, looking nervously at Mabel.

She took a deep breath, and slammed her head on the tabel. "Dipper you moron... You didn't include yourself in the deal, Bill can hurt you!" Bill grinned cheerfully. "Your brother doesn't care much about his life, clearly. But I'm not gonna kill him, I need him to find who did this to me." He gestured to his body with disgust.

Mabel nodded, albeit wearily. "Fine, but we can't tell the Stans, they'd freak!" Both males nodded in agreement. "That's true, Sixer and Fez really have it out for me, not that I blame 'em!" He laughed nastily, causing Dipper, who was next to him, to flinch.

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