New Classmates

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It had been a few weeks since Bill had been admitted to the hospital and the twins had visited every day, mostly on Mabel's request. Dipper went along for her sake, but know that Cy was actually Bill made him very weary.

But today was the worst he'd ever been.

As today was the day Bill was released from hospital, and sent back to the school he was allegedly from.

Dipper was happy to find that they didn't share many classes but...

"You're leaving?!" Doe sighed dejectedly. "Yeah, apparently Bill refused to have anyone else but you as his roomate and they couldn't really refuse so..." The snow-haired male shrugged. "Well I'll miss ya, it was fun while it lasted." Dipper said, giving his friend a fleeting hug. "See you around Dipper." Then Doe picked up his things and left, only to have Bill waltz in right after. "Heya kid!"

Dipper gave him the best death glare he could muster, but it seemed to have no effect on Bill. "Why did you do this?" The brunet finally asked, after watching Bill cheerfully start waving his hand to send stuff flying around to where he wanted it. "Why? Because I wanted to be around ya kid! What's the saying? 'Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer'? Well that!" "I guess that kinda makes sense..." Dipper reluctantly admitted.

"Great! Now, there's something else on your mind kid, what is it?" Dipper sighed heavily. "Well ever since Weirdmaggeddon, I've had terrible nightmares about you, Mabel and I went through a horrible phase of anxiety and depression, though Mabel recovered better than I did... So having you suddenly thrown in my life again like this, well it's kinda terrifying. Not to mention I have no idea when you'll try to hurt me!"

Bill stared at Dipper in surprise and... Slight guilt? "Yeesh kid, I had no idea. I'm a fan of chaos and destruction but depression? It's so... Ehh. Too organized. It silently creeps up and drains you. Not my style at all." He waved his hands around a little, but Dipper got the message. "But you don't have to worry kid, I'm not planning on hurting you or your crazy sister. At least not until we find out who did this to me." He pointed at his body, looking pretty annoyed.

"So what happens when we do?" The Pines twin felt worry growing in his mind, telling him that keeping Bill around was a terrible idea. But did he want to risk pissing off the demon? He clearly still had his powers. "Well then I punish them of course! And get them to free me from this body. As for you Pines, I have no clue!"

Dipper stared, sat down on the bed, and groaned. Bill watched curiously as Dipper muttered to himself, weighing his options and wondering what he should do. Finally, he looked up at the demon that he hated so much.

"I want to make a deal."

Bill jolted in surprise at the male's words. "Now kid, I'm not one to say no to a deal, but what?" Bill looked confused, tilting his head. "If you protect my family from harm... I'll help you get out of that body and find who did this." The demon seemed to contemplate this for a moment, looking at the human opposite him with a searching gaze. "Are you sure? Because I'm probably the last person you'd want to help." "Who are you to question a deal?" Dipper asked coldly. "Yeesh ok ok! It's a deal." Bill extended his hand, which Dipper took. The brunet winced a bit as their hands were engulfed in blue flames, then it was over.

"Great! Let's get started shall we?"

Dipper was beginning to regret his decision.

Unfortunately, despite his highest hopes, Dipper shared two classes with the demon. The first was history, and the second was tech. "COME ON, OFF WE GO!" Dipper covered his ears at Bill's shouting, looking at the demon with annoyance. He felt less scared of the demon since they made a deal, because at least his family was safe. But that didn't mean he was.

Bill dragged him off to history, oddly cheery. Well, Dipper supposed it wasn't odd since the demon was always happy. Bill burst through the door, a weary Dipper behind him. The teacher didn't seem to really care. Then again, Mrs. Allen was a very chill woman. The students openly stared at Bill and his odd getup. Dipper used this opportunity to slip into his seat without being noticed.

Bill wore a yellow shirt, with a black jacket of sorts. The jacket was much too big for him, and the sleeves ended at his elbows. It swept down to his ankles. The demon also had white dress pants and black dress shoes. Not to mention his small black bowtie. But he didn't have his signature top hat on, thankfully, that would have crossed the line into plain weird.

"Ah yes, this is the new guy, Cy D. Codex. Do be nice to him, he's just gotten out of hospital." "Doesn't look like it." Dipper heard a kid near him remark under his breath, and snickered. The kid smiled at him and he smiled back, before he heard the chair next to him shift. When he looked over, it was none other than Bill. Oh boy.

He spent the rest of the class trying to ignore Bill, which was rather hard when he kept flicking things at him. "What are you?! A highschooler?!" He whispered angrily, glaring daggers at the demon next to him, who grinned evilly.

Stupid bastard.

After what felt like an eternity, class finally ended, and Dipper was free of Bill. Until lunch,
that is.

Dipper walked over to Mabel and Pacifica, sitting down heavily. Stag and Doe where nowhere to be found, and he was happy that he didn't see Bill anywhere. Until, "Heya Dipper!" He felt his mouth twist into a frown as Bill slid in next to him. "Hello Cy." The brunet forced himself to reply, remembering to say his fake name.

Mabel didn't notice Dipper's discomfort as she beamed at him. "It's great to see you out and about Cy, not to mention looking so stylish!" Pacifica nodded in agreement. "I gotta admit, you have style." Bill bowed jokingly, the tips of his hair brushing the tabel. "Why thank you ladies! It feels good to finally be free of the prison they call 'Hospital'!" He and Mabel shared a chuckle, which made Dipper feel sick. She was laughing with the man that traumatized them for years, without knowing. He felt a burst of hatred, but squashed it. He didn't have time for that.

He wished he could tell Mabel, but he was too afraid. How would she react? What would happen then? What would she say about the deal?! And what if Bill wanted to keep it a secret? What then? He made a mental note to talk to Bill about it later. They needed a game plan, and fast.

The rest of the day went by relativly the same, Dipper went to class, suffered, and moved on. He saw Bill in the hallways but made no attempt to communicate with the demon. When his classes finally ended, he felt horrible. This was just all too much for him.

Dipper stumbled into his room, falling onto the bed. "Tired much?" He cringed, remembering that Bill was now his roomate. "No thanks to you!" The brunet spat, sitting up. Bill grinned at him and sat in the air in front of him. "Sorry not sorry kid!" Dipper shook his head and sighed. "That's not important right now, we need to talk about what we're gonna do!" Bill tilted his head and gave Dipper his attention.

After discussing things for a while, the two of them decided to tell Mabel at the nearest possibility. They agreed that keeping secrets would not make their jobs easier. As for finding who did this, they first needed to figure out how they got Bill into a human body in the first place. That required research. Dipper with books, Bill with demons. Both of them went their respective ways, planning to meet with Mabel outside of school tomorrow afternoon.

Dipper looked out of their small window, his eyes tired from reading for hours without pause. It was dark out, and he could already see the stars. Yikes, he really needed to get to bed. The Pines twin quickly changed, brushed his teeth, and put his books away. He fell onto his bed, and was out like a light.

Meanwhile, Bill sat in the mindscape, talking to another demon. The circle floated absently, listening to Bill talk. "Do you have any idea what coulda caused this Xynos?" Xynos tapped where his chin would be before snapping his fingers. "There is one thing..."

(Hey guys! It's the author here! Although you already knew that... I'm sorry for the delay! But my friend was visiting and she lives in a different state than me, so I was busy spending time with her! But here, I finally updated! Hope you enjoy! Catch ya in the next chapter! -Shiva)

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