The Bad Boy Has a Sleepover in My Room

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"Crash...where exactly?" I asked Oliver.

Oliver pressed his lips tightly together. "Um, well, I would prefer if no one knew that I spent the night in another girl's room right after I broke up with my girlfriend,"

"Does that include my roommates?" I whispered.

Oliver looked at Lina and Latiffa and nodded.

"I don't know if that's possible," I answered, confused. How can someone not notice a presence of another human being in their room?

"Trust me," said Oliver. "The room is huge, so is your bed, and I promise I'll keep to my side of the bed in the very corner, with blankets over my head and nobody will see me."

I looked at him with scepticism, furrowing my brows.

"I kinda, have done this with Sonja a couple of times, so," he sighed. "it works."

Sonja popped her cherry?! What...I mean, I knew she was no goody-two-shoes, but still...

Oliver noticed my overly confused face, and probably my widening nostrils. "Don't make me beg," he said, placing his hand together as in a prayer, staring at me with those green eyes while a single droplet of water slipped down his very narrow nose.

"Evelin?" a girl's voice suddenly sliced through the whispering.

"Hm?" I said with a squeaky voice while I shoved Oliver into the bathroom.

"Are you talking to yourself?" Lina asked another question, squinting at me.

"Um," I carefully considered what I'm about to answer. "Yes."

Lina shook her head. "Jesus, you don't talk during the day and at night you talk to yourself. That's just psycho, Evelin."

I nodded and walked backwards toward the bathroom. "Duly noted," My fingers curled around the doorknob and when I was finally safe in the bathroom, I sighed with relief.

"That was close," said Oliver, and took off the wet shirt that fitted his body so tight as if it was afraid to let go.

"What are you doing," I panicked and turned away, into the corner. The image of half-naked Oliver kept dancing through my mind. Did I see right? Did he really have a tattoo of Botticelli's Venus on his left ribcage? Oh freakin sexy fudgesicles, I envy that ink on his skin.

"Taking off my wet clothes. You don't want me to get hypothermia, do you?" he quietly laughed.

I shook my head to confirm that notion.

"You can turn around you know, I'm not that shy," his raspy voice echoed through the bathroom walls.

"No, thanks," I cleared my throat. I had no desire for him to see my face as ripe as a tomato.

Something rattled as he dropped his jeans. Probably the belt buckle hitting the floor.

"Can I borrow this?" asked Oliver.

"What?" I replied, too nervous to turn around.

He laughed in way that I knew he did that half-smile. "A robe,"

"Sure," I bit my lip. I can't sleep with a boy in my bed. I mean, it is a big bed...But still. What if our bodies accidentally touch? Fudgesickles, what if our naked parts accidentally touch?! Skin on skin contact!

"All set," said the boy with the roman goddess of love tattooed into his skin.

We turned down the lights and quietly moved across the bedroom floor. He got into bed first. Into the corner of the bed, right to the wall as he promised. We could probably fit in three more people, towards my end of the bed.

I took of my slippers, and covered myself with egyptian cotton sheets. I could smell the freshness as they were recently washed. But tonight I smelled something else. He didn't smell like perfume, or cologne, it was completely his sent. The scent of warm skin. Just a few inches away.

"Thanks, Evelin," Oliver whispered under the covers. "I mean it." It was too dark to see his face more clearly, but I could definitely feel the warmth of his body. It was a new, safe feeling. I was nervous, of course, but my heartbeat slowed down. It was as if it synchronized with his. I kept thinking about our kiss, though. Did it mean something to him? Anything?

"No problem," I whispered back and secretly wished he would come closer and kiss me goodnight.

Author's note: Hi lovelies! As always - I adore your comments, so keep them coming! Vote if you like, recommend it to someone if you like the story...I hope you are starting to feel the characters, I know it's a bit soon for that, but I promise...they're quite interesting :P I hope you're all having a fun summer, full of cocktails and swimming!


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