Blind Banker Part 3

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Sherlock, Vera and John went into a cab and are on an escalator inside West Kensington Library. Sherlock and Vera find their way to the aisle where Lukis' book came from.

"Date stamped on the book is the same day that he died." Sherlock says checking the reference number stuck to the bottom of the book's spine, Vera and Sherlock go to the correct place along the shelves and starts pulling out books and examining them. John, probably just for something to do, pulls out some books on a nearby shelf on the other side of the aisle and immediately gets lucky.

"Sherlock, Vera."

Sherlock and Vera turn and see John staring into the gap left by the books he removed. And then they reach to the shelf and pull out many books with one hand. Pulling out another huge handful of books with their  other hands, they reveal that spray painted on the back of the shelf are the same two symbols that were sprayed across Sir William Shad's office.

221B Baker Street

Photographs of the shelf have been added to the earlier photos stuck around the mirror in the living room. Vera and the boys are standing at the fireplace looking at the pictures.

"So, the killer goes to the bank, leaves a threatening cipher for Van Coon; Van Coon panics, returns to his apartment, locks himself in." Sherlock says.

"Hours later, he dies." John finishes.

"The killer finds Lukis at the library; he writes the cipher on the shelf where he knows it'll be seen; Lukis goes home. Late that night, he dies too." Vera says.

"Why did they die?" John asked Vera and Sherlock

"Only the cipher can tell us." Sherlock says as runs his fingers over the line painted across Sir William's face. He then thoughtfully taps his finger against the photo as his expression sharpens. Apparently he has had an idea.

They are walking in Trafalgar Square. Sherlock, Vera and John are walking through the centre of the square, heading towards the National Gallery. Vera was wondering what they were doing here.

"The world's run on codes and ciphers, Vera. From the million-pound security system at the bank, to the PIN machine you took exception to, cryptography inhabits our every waking moment." Sherlock tells Vera. Vera is very interested in why Sherlock directed his talking to her, not John, he knew him longer, he only met her a while ago.

"Yes, okay, but it's all computer-generated: electronic codes, electronic ciphering methods. This is different. It's an ancient device. Modern code-breaking methods won't unravel it." Vera says to Sherlock.

"Where are we headed?" John asks, feeling a bit left out. He knew that Sherlock liked Vera, when they come back to the flat and Vera wasn't there, he'll talk to him.

"I need to ask some advice." Sherlock said calmly. Vera raised an eyebrow. The great Sherlock Holmes asking for advice?

"What?! Sorry?!" John said in a surprising manner.

Sherlock throws him a black look as John smiles in disbelief.

"You heard me perfectly. I'm not saying it again." Sherlock says, rolling his eyes.

"You need advice?" Vera asks. Suddenly, Sherlock looks embarrassed.

"On painting, yes. I need to talk to an expert." Sherlock says, trying not to show his embarrassment.

He leads Vera and John towards the entrance to the National Gallery... and straight around it to the rear of the building where a young man has spray-stencilled onto a solid grey metal door the image of a policeman holding a rifle in his hands. The image has a pig's snout in place of a human nose. A large canvas bag is at the man's feet and he is holding spray cans in both hands. With one of the cans he has sprayed his tag, "RAZ", below the image and he is now adding the finishing touches to his 'artwork.' He continues spraying, unperturbed, as Sherlock, Vera and John approach.

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