The Great Game Part 5

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Vera was standing in a room with Vera minimal light. There was someone on his knees, but a bag over his head. His hands were tyed. Vera saw Moriarty next to her, Vera tried running away but she got nowhere. Moriarty was dressed in a suit. His hair slicked back. Moriarty was the man that came in an pretended tk be Molly's boyfriend. Vera didn't say anything though.

Vera looked at the tyed up man, he had black trousers, white shirt with black jacket, well dressed. Moriarty took off the bag on the man's head. Vera screamed. It was Sherlock. He was beat up. Black eye, broken rib and many cuts and bruises. Vera was yelling.

"SHERLOCK!" Vera tried to help him, but Moriarty held her back. Vera was kicking and screaming.


"You should've stayed with me." Moriarty whispered. Vera knew what was going to happen, it happened before.

Suddenly, Moriarty put a gun in Vera's hand. Vera tried pointing it to Moriarty, but her arms wouldn't move. They just kept rising toward Sherlock. Sherlock was crying.

"Please, Vera. Don't. I beg of you. Vera. Please." Vera started crying, she couldn't stop. The gun raised up to Sherlock's head. Vera was sobbing.

"I'm so sorry Sherlock."


Vera got up. She was sweating bullets. She was still in Sherlock's bed. John was next to her.

"Vera! Are you alright?!" John yelled.

Lestrade was standing in the corner, scared. Sherlock ran toward Vera, it seems he was crying.

Vera was gasping for breath. Tears streaming down her face, Sherlock ran to her aid and John got up and let Sherlock take his place. Sherlock sat next to Vera. Vera put her head into Sherlock's chest, she sobbed into his shirt. Sherlock held Vera's hand as she squeezed it as hard as possible. Sherlock put his other arm around her. Both of Vera's hands were around Sherlock's neck. John took Vera's pulse.

"200 beats per minute. Oh my god. Greg get her some water." John told Greg, Greg nodded and went out of the room. Vera was still sobbing into Sherlock.

"Vera? Are you alright?!" Sherlock asked, very concerned.

"Jesus, Sherlock she isn't alright she's boiling. Take her out of this room, into the living room." Sherlock picked Vera up bridal style. He put her on the couch and sat back down next to her. Greg got her the water and she drank it up in an instant. John gave Vera some ice to cool her down. Vera was getting more calm, but she didn't let go of Sherlock's hand. After Vera was much calmer, Sherlock talked to her.

"Vera, you were crying and screaming my name for an hour. I couldn't wake you up. What happened?"

Vera gulped.

"He m-made me S-Sherlock. He made me shoot you. Y-you were beaten up and he made me kill you." Vera started crying again.

"Who did?"

"M-Moriarty. Same way he made me kill his worker. T-the one I told you about."

"Vera. That will never happen. Don't worry I'm right here." Sherlock said hugging Vera.

Thirty minutes later, John was watching the telly. It was talking about the explosion, when the old woman was killed. Sherlock was in his chair and John was in his. Vera was taking a shower and Lestrade went back to Scotland Yard. Sherlock was saying that he technically did solve the case. Vera came into the living room and looked much better. She was in a red sweater with jeans. Her hair was straight and she went in the kitchen. Sherlock got up. Vera heard him and said:

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