Blind Banker Part 9

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During this time, John goes to work and falls asleep. A girl, Sarah helps him with his patients. John eventually asks her out on a date. Meanwhile, back at 221B Baker Street.

Sherlock and Vera are still looking through the books. During this time Sherlock was thinking. Thinking about Vera. He wanted to ask her if she wanted to move in with himself and John, there was an extra room. And she was smart. Eventually, Sherlock broke the silence.

"So.. Vera. I wanted to ask you something."

Vera looked up at him. Oh god, what is he asking. She thought.


"Umm.. I was wondering if you would like to.. umm.. move in.. with John and me."

Vera's eyes opened up more. She was shocked. Of course she wanted to. But she had to 'play it cool'.

"That's quite an offer Sherlock. I would just like to know: why are you asking?"

Sherlock's heart skipped a beat. He didn't want to tell her the real reason, so he thought quick.

"Well... umm... you are smart. It'll be nice.. to umm... have you around... and umm..." Sherlock started. He was then saved by John coming in.

"John, we need some air, we are going out tonight."

"Actually.." John started, but Vera interuppted.

"John's got a date." The boys looked at her.

"Oh come on its obvious."

"What?" Sherlock said, still confused.

"It's where two people who like eachother go out and have fun." John said.

"That's what I was suggesting." Sherlock said cluelessly.

"No it wasn't. At least I hope it wasn't. Just go out on a date with Vera." Sherlock and Vera looked at John suspiciously.

"Oh come on, that is obvious." Sherlock and Vera still looked confused. John rolled his eyes.

"You guys are perfect for eachother. You guys finish eachothers sentences, I even saw Sherlock holding your hand." John said to Vera.

"We finish eachothers sentences because we are both smart, and Sherlock held my hand because that was after we got attacked. I couldn't walk great."

"And what about when we were with Raz, Sherlock took your hand."

Vera was about to explain. When John interuppted.

"It doesn't matter. I'm taking Sarah to the cinema, you two just stay here, or go out."

Sherlock then spoke up.

"Oh dull, boring the cinema is. Try this." Sherlock said handing John a slip of paper. It was for a Chinese circus.

"Thanks but I don't go to you for dating advice."

"Why not?"

"Because Sherlock Holmes doesn't not go on dates."

Just to prove a point, Sherlock then said.

"Fine, Vera, want to go out on a date?"

"I would love to." Vera said, smiling.

John was startled.

"There, now go to the circus."


"It's been ages since someone took me to the circus." Sarah said to John as they were walking up to the place.

"Right, yes! Well, it's ... a friend recommended it to me. He phoned up."

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