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Cassie's POV
Zy is a very difficult baby. If her food doesn't look or smell good, she won't eat it. No carrots, no peas, basically no veggies; just fruit. I can already tell shes gonna be an unhealthy baby. I drop her off at mom's and head to my diner job.

After working my shift, I clean up at the bar. I listen to Kansas as I am on my way to pick up Zy, singing along to every word. I feed her Mac n Cheese and put her to bed. Then I lay down myself, eyes closing every few seconds. I have to wake up for work at 7. As soon as I drift to sleep, Zy starts crying in her crib. Oh, boy.
10 years pass
Zy has really been wondering about Dean lately.
"Maybe its time to tell her." mom suggested.
"I don't think she's old enough yet, mom."
"Of course she is, Cassie! She just wants to know her father!"
"He doesn't even know she exists, mom. He'll probably be mad."
"OR, he'll want to know his daughter. Did you ever think about that? Huh? You can't just isolate her from him. She's his too.", mom said, aggrivated," look Cassie, I've let this go for ten years now. And I'm not holding it in any longer. If you don't tell Dean, I will. And he WILL be upset if he doesn't hear it from you." mom threatened.
I stare at her, shooting lazors into her soul. And she stared right back. I give up.
"Fine.", I surrendered,"I'll tell him on her birthday." I agreed.
" I'm okay with that. Love you." she tried to hug me and kiss my cheek.
"Uh-huh. Whatever. Love you too." I push her away and she laughs. I grab Zy's stuff and we walked to the car. But something didn't feel right. Someones watching us.
"Walk faster, baby. Hold mommy's hand." I whispered to Zy. We fast-walk to the car and I quickly buckle her up, get in the driver's seat, and lock the doors. I sigh in relief.
"Mommy, why were we running?" Zy asks me.
"Because mommy heard something." I responded.
"My friend heard it too."
I pause for a second and slowly reach for my salt pistol in my purse.
"What friend, Zy?"
"His name's Crowley."
I quickly turn around to Zy not sitting in her booster seat. "Zy? ZY!!??" I panick, getting out of the car.
"Ello, Cassie," a british man said.
I whipped around and shot him.
"Ouch. A 'hello' would have sufficed." he said, looking at the hole in his suit jacket.
"Give me my daughter back or I'll shoot your head off." I threatened.
"Oo. Was that a threat? Spicy girl, you are. Lets get straight to business. I know she's Dean's child.
"How would you know that? Who are you? Where's my daughter?" I interrogated.
"Enough questions. Here's the deal, love, in three years im coming back to get her and we're going on a little trip. If I don't get her, im taking your soul." he explained.
"Why do you want her? Shes only ten years old!"
"Because I can use her against Dean, obviously."
"Well, sorry to bust your little demon bubble, but he doesn't even know she exists."
"What kind of selfish monster doesn't tell her child's father they exist!?" he shouted.
"Me! She has been normal because he doesn't know. How dare you question my parenting! That's none of your business!" I rant, ready to shoot him again.
"Geez, Cassie. No need to get your panties in a twist. Three years. Be ready." Crowley said, and disappeared into thin air. Zy stood in his place.
"Mommy!" Zy ran into my arms.
"Zy! Are you okay?" I asked, searching her body.
"Im fine mommy. Can we go home now?"
"Of course we can. And starting tomorrow, im gonna teach you how to defend yourself." I tell Zy as she dozes off in the back seat.
Crowley isn't coming for my child. Not now, not ever. And if he does, she'll be ready.
"Okay Zy, aim at the can, then shoot." I explained to Zy. She has been practicing ever since Crowley took her 2 years ago. She's training like a true hunter. Dean would be proud....
"Mom, I've been shooting cans for a year now. When can I shoot a moving target?" Zy whined.
"We've been over this, Zy. You're only training for if Crowley tries to take you again. You probably won't need to shoot anyone; this is just in case." I explained for the hundredth time.
"Well how am I supposed to know how to shoot something if it ran at me if I only ever shoot cans, mom! I'm gonna end up dying!"Zy yelled.
"Watch your tone, young lady. You're not READY!"
"Yes I am! That's why grandma takes me to the shooting range anyway!" she ran inside and slammed the door.
"You did WHAT? You didn't even ask me!" I felt outraged.
"I know and im SORRY, OK? She was tired of the cans and I wanted to be fun grandma. I know I went against you but im just trying to help keep my granddaughter safe. Im truly sorry." mom said apologetically.
I understood where she was coming from. As long as Zy is safe, nothing matters.
"Its okay, mom. Just tell me next time please, love you." I kissed her forehead, and walked to the car where Zy was waiting and drove home.
Week before Zy's Birthday

"So mom, I know what I want for my birthday." Zy said, a big smile plastered on her face.
"And that would be?" I asked
"A pistol, some gun barrels, a salt bag, some earrings, and I did some research and it turns out demons can't possess you if you have an anti-possession necklace or tattoo so obviously I want the necklace. Oo! And a leather jacket."
"Woah! Slow your role! The guns I can do, salt bag sure, necklace of course, and I'll see what I can do about the jacket."
"Yay!" she squealed and gave me a big hug.
Mom walked in, holding wrapping paper. "Mom? Do you think you can go to the clothing store down the road and look for a leather jacket for Zy? Or at least something close to one? I'll wrap her presents."
"Sure, Cassie. I have to pick up ingredients for her cake anyway so I'll stop by."
"Thanks. Love you.". "You too!" She yelled over her shoulder.
I turn and look at all of Zy's presents. If only she could help me.
Week Later
"Happy Birthday, Zy!" everyone exclaimed as Zy blew out her candles. Thirteen years old. Shes growing up so fast. Crowley's coming soon.
Oh no.
I completely forgot I have to tell Dean she exists. Well. This is gonna be a weird phone call.

After the party I called Dean:
"Hey Dean? Its Cassie."
"Cassie? How ya been? What's the special occasion?"
"I have something to tell you and you can't get mad okay?"
"Sure. What is it?"
"Dean you have a-" I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. I look down and see a horn shaped blade going straight through my stomach. My vision blurs; fading to black.
"Cassie? Cassie! Cas-" Dean yelling through the phone muffles.
"Cassie! My bab-" I hear mom's voice. I glance up and see a figure stabbing mom in the stomach.
"Mo-" I choke up.
Suddenly I hear gun shots and Zy rushes into the kitchen.
"Momma! Grandma!" she screams.
"Im okay baby. Go to your mom." Zy kisses mom's forehead as she drifts into the sky. Zy places her head on the ground gently then scoots over to me and puts my head on her lap. "Momma.", she whispered crying,"it got away. But I'll catch it. Im sorry."
"That's okay,Everything's okay. Go find your dad. His name is Dean Winchester. I believe in you, and I always will. I love you, Zy." I stutter.
"I'll find him, momma, okay? I love you with all my heart forever and always, mommy." Zy whispers, choking on tears. I cradle her face in my hands and she kisses my forehead.
"Be free, mommy. Be an angel."
Ok guys. Depending on how fast or slow you read says if this is a long chapter, I feel like I rushed these events but Idk at least I published. It's all Gucci over here. Well don't forget to vote and comment. Till next time!✌

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