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As I walked to the little motel, I heard noises behind me. Please Zy, dont get attacked. Not right now, I thought to myself. Cautiously, I started fast walking, then I full-on sprinted to the front door.
The rustling ran after me, catching up. It was on my trail.

Quickly, I pushed through the front door and locked it.
"Hey young lady. Welcome to Old Man Joe's. How may I help you?" a man in his late 30s said with a forced smile.
"Uh hi can i have a room please. Kinda quickly if you dont mind." I rushed him.
"Jeez, mam. Why in such a rush? Is everything okay?"
He asked looking worried.
"Yeah im fine just reeaally tired. Heres my money just hurry please." I warrily looked outside the door, seeing a figure walking closer.
"Mam theres no need to ru-"
"Look mister...Jephory," I said, looking at his name-tag,"Im trying to be nice but your getting on my LAST. NERVE. Now give me the freaking keys or im just gonna take them." I threatened.
"Look young lady. If you want to act irationally ill just call security." He said, reaching for a walkie-talkie.
On instinct, I pulled out my gun.
"I didnt want to do this, but im just gonna take my money back, and ill have that car outside. Now give me the walkie-talkie." I demanded, reaching for it.
Jephory quickly put it on the counter, and put his hands in the air in surrender. He threw the car keys my way and I caught them.
"Thanks. Ill never be coming back." I backed out of the motel, not putting my gun down till I was by the car. I was getting in when I heard rustling in the woods. What is that? I inched closer to the trees with my gun ready. As I got closer, a pair of blinking bright emerald eyes stared at me.
"Look, I dont wanna shoot you, so come out with your hands up." I directed the figure.
The eyes shifted to the right of me, deciding if it wanted to listen to me. Slowly, a mixed boy about a year older than me walked out, his hands in the air.
Honestly, he was pretty cute. Dirt smudged his face and he had a huge scratch on his arm that was bleeding, dripping down his arm.
"Im sorry. I didnt mean to follow you. I just got lost and I saw you so I followed you. Please dont shoot me." the boy pleaded for mercy.
It amused me. Seeing this boy plead for my mercy. I was smiling to myself but couldnt let him see.
"Whats your name?"
"Drayton. Whats yours?"
"Well, Zy; im sorry for scaring you and if you let me live youll never see me again. I promise." he negotiated, trying to back away.
I clicked the safety off, stopping him in his tracks.

We stood there for a minute, staring in to each others eyes.

Im gonna help him, I thought to myself.

I put down the gun, clicking the safety back on. He flinched, probably thinking I was gonna shoot.

I walked over to the car and opened the driver door.
"Get in." I yelled to him, getting in.

He walked up to the window, staring in confusion.

"Get in before I change my mind and leave you here on your own." I said, buckling up. I looked at him, looking ready to leave.
He thought for a minute, then reluctantly opened the passenger door, got in, and buckled up.
I backed out of the motel, watching him in the corner of my eye, staring at me.

The car ride was quiet. Every once in a while I woukd turn my head and look at him, and he woukd be daydreaming, looking out the window.
When I wasnt looking, he would sneak glances toward me, and looked as if he wanted to say something.

"How do you know how to drive? How old are you?" he finally asked. I wondered when he would.

"Thirteen. Learned when i was nine. How old are you?"

"Fourteen." He quietly stated, looking back out the window. He looked like something was bothering him.
"Where did you come from? Why were you running from it?" I finally asked.
He looked hesitant to tell me. He just sat there, staring at me for what seems like years, maybe even centuries.
"Its ok if you dont wanna tell me. But if you ever want to, im listening." I told him, turning my head for a second to see him, then turned back toward to road.

Soon we came to No Signal Zone, a motel in the middle of what seems like a dessert. No wonder its got that name.

"Stay here, ok?" I told Drayton, getting out.

"Wait where are you going?" Drayton asked, worried.

"Its okay, im just getting a room. Calm down. Ill be right back." I gave him a warm smile then walked in the front office of the motel.
A couple minutes later I came back to the car, where Drayton was waiting for me, smiling up a storm. I gestured for him to get out the car and he followed me to the our room for the night.

Hey guys! No im not dead. Ive just been at school doing work and stuff. But Im back now. Hopefully. Dont forget to vote and comment your opions! Bye! Stay gucci!👋👌✌😊

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