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We waited a couple hours for Bobby to meet us in our hotel room. As anxiety was closing in on us, we heard a knock at our door. I peeked through the little peek hole and saw an old torn hat. The man looked dead into the hole and winked at me.
I smiled a little and opened the door.
"Hi." I awkwardly started the conversation.
"Howdy. Are you gonna let me in or..."
"Oh! Yeah! Sorry, im nervous."
"If your Dean's kid you have nothing to worry about." Bobby reassured me, giving me a little smile.
We sat at the dinning table, Drayton and I across from Bobby. Bobby looked between us, confused.
"So. Who your little friend, Zy?" Bobby cocked an eyebrow toward Drayton.
"Oh yeah, this is Drayton. I met him along the way." I explained.
"Oh. Well lets get this interogation started, shall we?" Bobby got comfortable in his chair and cleared his throat, waiting for me to be ready. I nodded my head in confirmation.
"Ok. Where are you from?"

"Cape Girardeau, Missouri. Born and raised." I stated proudly.

"Hm." Bobby looked around, as if he were looking for something to remind him of something. His eyes landed on the calendar pinned on the wall and he looked back at me. "When is your birthday?"

"November 20*." Bobby kept looking out the window as if he saw something.

"Did your mom tell you how she met Dean?"

"No but she told me when she last saw him. When him and uncle Sam came down looking for Pops and they found that ghost that tried to kill my mom's dad. Then they left and that was it." It made me wonder If they had met before then.

"Well, theres no real way to know if your his kid.... I got it. I need to make a quick call." I was about to point him to the phone but he put his hands togther, about to pray. I looked at Drayton who had the same confused expression I did.
"Castiel? If you can hear me, I need your help. We have a, um, situation."
Oh, wow. Now im a situation. What a friendly welcome to the family.

Bobby opened one eye and peaked at us, then looked around the room.

"Um, look Bobby. I dont know what your trying to do, but I really need to find my dad. So, if you dont mind, imma-" I hear a sound like fluttering wings, and here a voice behind me. I grab my gun off the bed and turn around toward the voice, ready to shoot.
I see a white man with black hair and blue eyes, with a stern, squinted face looking between me and my gun. He was wearing a formal outfit with a tan trenchcoat that reached near his ankles.
"Who are you." the man who Bobby called Castiel asked, which sounded more like a statement. Bobby got out of his seat and stood between us.
"Hey, its alright Zy, he's gonna help us." He slowly moved my gun, and I took off the safety. How did he get in here?.
"How is he going to help us? Im just trying to find my dad."


"Dean Winchester." Castiel's face softened a little and he took my gun from me. I reached for it and he grabbed my wrist. Drayton got up, ready to help me.

"We'll be back." Castiel told Bobby. "Hold up. Wait! No!" before I could make him let me go, I blinked and we were at a park full of kids. Im confused. How did we even get here.
We were sitting on the bench and Castiel had his eyes closed.
"What are you?" Castiel opened his eyes and watched the kids play.
"Im an angel of the lord. Im the one who gripped Dean and raised him from purdition." he looked at me, then back at the kids.
"Angels arent real. Neither is god."
"Of course we are real. We just dont leave heaven anymore."
"Thats not what my mom told me."
"Who is your mom."
"Cassie Robinson."
"That makes sense. Where is she?"
That question made me rememeber that night. The dark figure, the screams, the blood everywhere. Holding and kissing mom and grandma on their foreheads before they became angels. That night haunted me in my dreams since it became the past. I wish I could have saved them. If only I paid more attention to what mom told me everyday; I probably could have.

"She's uh, dead." Castiel turned to look at me.

"Sorry for your loss."

"Thanks. I lost my grandma too.Thats why im trying to find Dean."

"To make sure your his kid, im going to have to go into your soul compounds. If your telling the truth, bits of his soul should be in yours, along with some of Cassie's." how do you even do that? Before I could even ask him, we were back in the motel room. Drayton shot up from his bed and gave me a big hug.
"Im fine Drayton."

Castiel took off his trenchcoat and rolled up his sleeves, motioning for me to come toward my bed. He grabbed a clean cloth from a dresser drawer and put it in my mouth. He lifted up my shirt to the top of my stomach and Drayton tried to punch him but Bobby held him back. Castiel stuck his hand in my stomach. Beams of blue light rose from me as he went elbow deep in. I was screaming in pain into the cloth, wondering why this is happening to me. My vision started blurring slowly and before I knew it I was unconsious.
I woke up to Bobby and Castiel arguing, hearing my name every once in a while. My eyes felt heavy but I forced them open and looked around at my surroundings. I was in a car. Drayton was sitting beside me, leaning on the window, sleeping. Bobby was driving and Castiel was sitting in the passenger seat infront of me.
"I cant believe it." Bobby looked surprised and overwhelmed. He took off his hat and rubbed his semi-bald head.
"I dont either, but Dean and Cassie are in her soul. She's his kid; she was telling the truth." I acted like I was sleeping when Castiel looked in the back seat. "I know your awake, Zy."
Busted, I sat up in my seat. My stomach felt like someone stabbed me in it three million times. I groaned and winced everytime I tried to lift myself up. I gave up and turned around and laid my head on Drayton's lap. He woke up and smiled at me with sleepy eyes, then went back to sleep. I turned on my side, facing Castiel.
"I told you I was Dean's daughter." Bobby looked at the rear view window to see me.
"I know, and im sorry." he apologized.

"I forgive you. Where are we going?" It was night and all I could see were trees on both sides of the car.

"My house in the woods.". Thats not creepy at all.

I was quiet the rest of the ride. When we got to his house, I was surprised. His house was surrounded by junk cars piled up in hundreds of piles. His house was small but big for one person.
I woke up Drayton and we walked in. The living room had bookcases, a couch, and a tv. The dining room was a big open area with a desk covered in beer bottles, papers, and books. Drayton sat on the couch as I looked at the books on the shelves. Moby Dick, other library books. Then at the top of the shelves were language books and books about the angels and god. Other shelves had books about monsters and creatures. Wendigos, Leviathans, things ive never heard of before. I walk over to the desk and see more things about creatures. Journals and almanacs. Then one specific journal cathes my eye. Light brown with "JW" engraved on it with a little leather strap to hold it closed that flops over the side, not strong enough to keep the overflowing journal closed. I open it and flipped through the pages. All types,of things are in it. Sygals, rituals, contacts, etc. I look through the contacts, curious who would be on the list. I didnt recognize anyone so i kept looking. I flipped a couple more pages and saw little notes. "Pick up laundry." "Take Dean Hunting" "Dean New Number: 866-907-3235"
Hold up. Did I seriously just find my dad's number?
I grabbed my phone and put in the number. The phone ringed and then stopped after the third time.

"Hey. This is Dean. Who is this?" panicking I hung up the phone.
What did I just do?
*: thats not my actual birthday. Im not stupid enough to tell strangers.

Carry On, Wayward DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now