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Come on; it's now or never.
I closed my eyes, letting go into the abyss, trying to take control.
Drayton's muffle yelp, trying to get to me.
There's no point.
Whether I live or die, the world goes on.
At least I won't have to worry about finding my father; he doesn't even know I exist. Won't affect him.
There's a click inside me. As if accepting death triggered something deep; real deep.
A form of anger builds inside me, warming up the water around me.
I'm not supposed to die; not yet.
I did not come this far to die before I meet my dad.
Rage builds up more and more until I can't hold it in anymore.
It wants to be free; so I let it.
It escapes me in the form of a scream, scratching the air bubbles around me, making the water boil.
As if an explosion had occurred, the water around me flew up into the air.
The man holding me under the water disintegrates.
I lift myself up with what little energy left in me and sit in the bottom of the river.
Drayton fought off the rest of the men and stood in awe, watching me.
Cas stands beside him covered in blood.
They don't say anything; just stare at me.
He snaps out of his thoughts and walks over to me, hoisting my arm up over his shoulder.
We walk over to Drayton and Cas taps his shoulder, zapping us back to Bobby's living room, startling Bobby.
I knew without even looking at him that Cas was angry.
"I told you to stay where you were and you disobeyed me." His voice had no emotion, yet it was full of it.

"I know and I'm sorry. I had an idea so I followed it."

"An idea that almost got you killed!" He rose his voice, startling me and leaving the windows rattling ever so slightly.

"I don't remember asking you to care. I'm fine; I'd be okay with dying anyway. Who do you think you are, yelling at me like your my parent or something!"
I kept my cool as I put extra force behind every word.

Drayton and Bobby stood in the corner of the room, unsure of what to do. I stared into Cas' bright sky blue eyes as he stared into my dirt brown ones. He turned to leave, stopping before turning the front door knob.

"If you die, Dean will blame me for not protecting you. He might not know you exist at the moment, but when he does, he'll never forgive me." He paused then left, slamming the door behind him.

I exhaled the breath I was holding, turning to Drayton and Bobby. Bobby went to the kitchen to grab a beer.
Drayton had an unreadable expression as he fast walked to the stairs.

"Drayton wait." I followed him up the stairs and grabbed his wrist. Anger flashing in his eyes, he yanked his arm out of my grasp.

He caught me by surprise. "Whats wrong?"

"You are very ungrateful sometimes" he spat at me.

"Excuse me?" Anger bubbled in me again.

"I would kill to have someone waiting to save me like Cas does for you." He never looked at me.

"I didn't ask him to. Didn't know you were my father too."
Drayton glared at me like I was the reason behind all his problems.
Im tired of people yelling at me. I'm tired of being put down like I'm a kid, which I haven't been in a long time.
People always try to help me then expect some type of thanks like I asked for their help. I know it's rude, but it's not like someone was there to tell me the right way for the past three years.
I finally was happy and now everyone hates me. But it's better off this way; they'll just slow me down.
I push past him to my room and grab what little belongings I have. I grab my phone and some money I found in the dresser. I put everything in an old book bag I found hanging in the closet and walk downstairs, Drayton following me.
"What are you doing?" I ignored his question.

Carry On, Wayward DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now