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The motel room had two beds, plaid walls and plaid bed comforters. There was a small stove and drawers, and a tiny bathroom.

"Drayton, thats your bed." I told him, putting my bag and gun supplies on my bed and pointing to his.

"Okay. Imma go take a shower." He told me.

"Oh wait. I need to go buy you some clothes. Ill be back in a bit. Lock the door behind me." I directed him, grabbing my wallet.
He looked at me with sad eyes, probably not wanting to be alone. I closed the door and waited to hear a click before I went to the front desk and asked for directions. I got in the car and drove a couple miles in the direction the guy told me before i saw a small shop. I walked into the mens section and grabbed a couple shirts, jeans and boxers. I went to the cash register and saw a display of nice smelling colognes and grabbed one for Drayton. I paid and drove back to the motel. I walked into our room to Drayton sitting on my bed with a towel around his waist, loading my bullets with powder and salt. For some reason it didnt bother me, nor bother him. When he saw me walking in he smiled from ear to ear, and tightly wrapped the towel around him, walking toward me.
"Here." I said, passing him the bag.
He opened it and gently pulled out each item, examining them.
"I dont know your size so they might be too big.." I drifted off, watching him rubbed his finger against the fabric. "Whats wrong?"

He seemed to snap back to reality."Oh Nothing. Theyre perfect. But you dont have to spend money on me. Im fine." he assured me.

"No its fine. Its no big deal. Your not gonna walk around wearing those ripped clothes. Youll look suspicious. Oh! I forgot. Here, some new boots. I hope you like them." I smiled, pulling the boots from behind my back. His mouth dropped in awe. He didnt say anything, just gave me a warm hug. It caught me by supprise, but I hugged him back.
"Thanks. For everything. For not killing me, for letting me come with you,just, thank you soo much Zy." Drayton acclaimed, looking in my eyes.
"Its no problem. I was getting lonely. Good to know I have someone I trust." I said, looking in his eyes.
We stood there for a couple seconds but I pushed him away and grabbed some of his clothes.
"Now go put some clothes on." I told him, tossing the clothes at him. He caught it and smiled to himself as he walked into the bathroom.
I sighed in relief after he closed the door. Im glad I decided to bring him along. I havent smiled in a while.

Leaving my thoughts on their own, I walked to the kitchen, remembering I meant to go to the store before I came back.
"Drayton! Hurry up so we can go to the store!" I yelled, walking to my guns.
"Okay! Almost done!" he responded.
He walked out the bathroom, the buttons on his shirt in the wrong holes. I laughed at him, then unbuttoned his shirt and rebuttoned it, the buttons in the right places.
"Thanks." he laughed.
I nodded at him, then grabbed my car keys and nodded in the direction of the door.
"Lets go." I said over my shoulder, hearing Drayton walking after me.

We pulled into the parking lot and grabbed a shopping cart. We walked toward the meat section and grabbed three packs of hamburger meat. Then to the cereal aisle and Drayton grabbed 3 boxes. We bought some ice cream, frozen foods, milk, and some toppings for salad mix. I almost forgot to grab a big cooler to put food in for when we go on trips. I paid and we went back to the motel to make dinner.
Drayton helped me make the hamburgers and he made the salad.
We sat infront of the tv and ate quietly. Everyonce in a while Drayton would ask me a question, but i didnt have any answers; where are we going, what are we looking for, who are we looking for. But honestly, I didnt know. I guess we'll know when we find it. After a while, Drayton got tired and went to bed. I took a shower while he was laying down so he wouldnt see me in my towel. I put on some night clothes and laid down, thinking of my next move. What are we going to do now?
I woke up to the smell of eggs on the stove. I shot upright, ready to kill. I forgot Drayton was there. He jerked back in surprised. I sighed in relief; how did I forget so easily that he was there?
"Im sorry. I forgot you were here. Im used to being by myself." I releived him, starting to laugh. He nodded his head and started laughing to hiself, turning back around to finish the eggs. He placed two plates on the table with eggs on them. I sat in a chair as he pulled a tray of bacon out and sat it on a wooden slab in the middle of the table. The bacon aroma instantly hit me, making my mouth water.
I wait for him to sit before I shove food in my mouth. He sits and watched me, not touching his food.
"Why are'nt you eating?" I muffled, my mouth full of food.
"You dont say grace?" he asked, about to pray.
"Why would I? My mom said god doesnt exist. Your just praying to the sky." I explained, still eating.
"Of course he does. You just have to believe in him."
"Ill believe when I see him." I got up and started some dish water.
Drayton prayed to himself then ate really slowly. I just sat on my bed, packing bullets, watching. It amused me how irregular he was. Ive never met anyone like him.
While I was waiting for him to finish, I was thinking of our next move. We need to keep moving, I thought to myself.
"We're leaving tonight." I looked in Drayton's direction.
He looked at me confused. "Why?"
"We cant stay in the same place for more than a couple days, its not safe. They might catch me..." I whispered to myself, worried.

Carry On, Wayward DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now