25. Believe Tour

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(4 days later)


So today is the day if the concert and I'm really excited. I haven't told Jai that I'm actually friends with Justin, because I know he's gonna hate that. "Babe are you almost ready" Justin asked a he walked into my room.

I'm wearing (picture at the top) with some white stilettos. I put my hair half up / half down and straightened it a little, finishing off the look with some simple natural makeup. "Yeah I'm done" I walked out of the bathroom and Jai stood there smirking at me. "What's that look for" I giggled.

"You look sexy" he grabbed my hand and twirled me around. "I love you baby" he said before kissing me.


We were driving around for about 10 minutes in the parking lot before we found a parking space. It was pretty far from the arena but a little walking won't hurt. The sun was starting to set and the concert begins in half an hour. We walked to where backstage was and showed the security guard our backstage passes. It was so weird being backstage, but it was amazing.

After walking for about 15 minutes, we found Justin warming up his voice. I've never heard him sing in real life, he sounds so much better than he does on TV. "Justin" I called out. He came running over to us and engulfed me into a hug.

"Hey Ari, it's good to see you again" he smiled, then looked over at Jai. "This is Jai, right?" Jai smiled and held his hand out.

"Yeah, do you two know eachother?" Jai asked.

"Yeah we met at a club one time, he heard me singing and told me that I sounded amazing" I replied. Jai had never heard me sing properly, I mostly just hum or sing one line around him.

"Ariana, since you're here, do you wanna sing a song with me?" Justin asked and I felt really nervous. I don't think I could sing I front of that many people.

"I don't know, there's a lot of people out there" I replied.

"Please, I'll be with you the while time, you'll be fine. And I'm sure Jai would love to see you sing" he said the turned to Jai.

"Yeah babe, I wanna hear you sing you'll be amazing" he said and kissed my cheek. After thinking about it for a few minutes I agreed to do it.

"Yessssss, what song do you wanna sing with me?" He asked.

"Ummm........ As long as you love me" I replied. It's probably my favourite song from his believe album.

"Awesome. My costume designer will give you a costume to wear" he smiled then walked me to her. "This is Julie, you can choose an outfit that's your size" he said then his manager Scooter Braun walked in the room.

"Justin you're on stage in 2 minutes, hurry up?" He said then looked over at me and smiled.

"Oh my god, Scooter Braun I'm a huge fan" I squealed and gave him a hug.

"Aww how sweet. What's your name?" He asked.

"I'm Ariana, Justin asked me to perform a song with him on stage" I replied and he looked over at Justin.

"And can you sing" he asked. I nodded my head and Justin started talking.

"Yes she has an amazing voice, you'll understand what I'm talking when you hers her" he raved.

"Well good luck Ariana, I'll see you after the show" he smiled then left.


Jai and I took our seats in the front row. Justin came out not long after and started singing all around the world. The show was so good, his voice is truly incredible and I can't believe I'm gonna go onstage soon. "Babe you nervous?" Jai asked as I squeezed his hand.

"Yes, I'm terrified. I don't know if I can do this" I replied and Jai started rubbing my shoulders.

"Baby girl you'll be amazing, I know you can do it" he kissed my cheek. About 5 minutes later, a guy came over and told me it's time to go backstage and change into my costume. I gave Jai a kiss then left with the guy.

I chose a two piece costume that was silver and glittery. They gave me matching heels and I gotta say, I love this look. When the present song finished, Justin came off stage and took me to the lift that would lift us both up. We stood there and he kept smiling at me. "Good luck Ari, I know you can do this" he grabbed my hand and kissed it gently.

"Thanks" I smiled then he started talking into the microphone.

"Alright guys, I have a special guest singing with me today. Please welcome miss Ariana Grande" he said then we started to rise to the stage. The crowd started going wild and that's when I stopped feeling nervous. As long as you love me started playing and I was really enjoying myself. We actually sounded good together.

Justin was getting really close to me and kept smiling

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Justin was getting really close to me and kept smiling. I saw Jai in the front smiling at me and I blew him a kiss. He looked shocked, like he didn't expect I would be able to sing.

After the song had finished, Justin gave me a long and tight hug. The crowd were screaming so loud and cheering for me. I felt so special and proud of myself. Justin showed me off stage then congratulated me. "That's was so good we sounded great together. Would you like to do this again?" He asked.

"Uhh what do you mean by that" I asked and he smiled.

"I was wondering if you would open up for me for the rest of the tour" he questioned.

"Are you sure you want me to" I asked and he just chuckled.

"That's all I want" he replied. I told him I would think about it, before he went back onstage. I made my way down the stairs and saw Jai there with a huge smile on his face. "Babe you sounded amazing why didn't you tell me you could sing"

"Well I was nervous I guess. But Justin asked me if I would open up for him on his tour" I said and he looked confused.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Well he wants to me to sing in his concerts. Like the rest of them" I replied. "He wants me to do his world tour with him"

"Wow. What are you gonna do?" He asked.

"I don't know yet. I told him I would think about it and tell him tomorrow" I replied and he nodded his head. Just then, Scooter Braun came over to me.

"Oh my godddddd. Ariana you sounded like an angel out there. How would you like to have a record deal?" He asked.

"What" I screamed. "Wait do you wanna sign me?' I questioned.

"Yes I do. I really love your voice and it would be amazing to work with you and get your name out there" he smiled.

"I would love that oh my god that's incredible thank you so much" I hugged him and felt a few tears escape. I'm finally getting to do what I've always dreamed of doing.

I don't even know what I'm doing 😂😂 oh well I hope you all like this story so far. I've started writing so much for this book, so updates will be quicker. Not really sure if this is any good or not. Please tell me if you would like a sequel so I can start planning it. Anyway new update soon 💜💜💜

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