Chapter 4

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"We'll be searching."

The police left. My mom looked me in the eye. She said through gritted teeth,

"What is going on?"

I reexplained.

"The counselor isn't doing his job?"

"Mom! I'm not kidding. He killed Robert, the comic book store guy, and James!"

James was the boyfriend's name.

"Rich! This has gone on far too long."

"Mom, You're in danger! I'm going to die! Please leave the state! It's not safe!"

She looked at me like I was crazy.

"Richie, I will be safe! Don't worry!"

"I will worry,mom!"

She pointed to the door.

"Leave until you come back to common sense."

I left.

I went to the park. I saw my sister with friends huddled all around her. She was crying. Her friends patted her back while sniffling like idiots.
To be honest, my sister and her friends are morons. This one I can't blame her for though. I walked up to her.

"Hey sis."

"Leave me alone! Every time your around something bad happens!"

She was on all out tantrum mode. I walked away quick so that I wouldn't be there for the bad part.

I walked to the grocery store to buy some food for the night. As of now my home was a car. I bought lots of peanut butter, bread, fruit, sodas, and junk food. I bought a pillow and a cover. I had a big van anyway.

I stayed parked in the store parking lot and pushed down my seats. I laid down my cover and my pillow and was soon fast asleep.

I woke up in the morning with a bad back-ache. I got up and sat in the drivers seat. I looked at the clock. 9:23. I left.

I was driving up Mount John. I saw road kill and the other normal stuff. It was a truly beautiful mountain.

The rest of the day was quite boring so I'll just skip it.

While I was driving around the top when I saw a drive-in movie theater. I pulled up and fell asleep there.

I woke up to my myPhone. Someone was calling me.




"Honey, come home! It's your birthday! Happy 19th!"

"I'll see you there."

I hung up. I must have forgotten today was my birthday. I went home.

I arrived home. The door was unlocked, but the light was off.
I walked inside. I turned on the light.


Everyone yelled. I laughed. My sister had a new boyfriend.

"Richard meet Ben."


He said. We shook hands. He was nerdy. I liked him. Better than the last moron.

"Susie, come over here a minute."

My sister came. Her name was Susie.

"He's a keeper. More than the last guy."

She smiled. I gave her a hug. She hugged me back. That was the first time in a while.

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