Arkham Asylum

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It was finally time to go to Arkham. As everyone started getting on the bus, Alice could feel her heart beating as the image of Harley and Joker flicked into her mine, they both gave her the chills. But she still kind of thought they were interesting and even attractive. But attractive can still be scary. After everyone was seated on the bus the professor walked in.
"Okay everybody listen up !," everyone looke4d up at him. "As we all know the facility we're going to is very dangerous and some of the most famous criminals in Gotham are there now, but as long as you stay with group and follow instructions you will be fine." The professor then turned to the bus driver. "Were ready." The bus ride there was about 10 when we arrived for some reason the clouds looked darker. The bus driver pulled up to the gates and the gates and then wave out his window to the security guards to open the gate. We came to a stop when we were in front of the building. The professor stood up, "Alright, when we walk to the front doors there's going to a few guards waiting there for us and everyone here will listen to them and do exact as they say! Understood.." He looked around at everyone as they all nodded, "good."

They got to front door to see a few guards, one spoke up, "Good afternoon everyone, I'm sure your teacher has informed you of the dangers of this place and to follow our instructions, which are stay in the group and do not talk to anyone in there who is not a staff member, pretty simple right, if you don't follow these instructions it could result in your death." That's when a lot of people started murmuring. "Come on let's head in." As everyone walked into the doors it was silent for a moment until the guard spoke up. "Okay, everyone this way." The sound of screaming echoed off the wall as they made their way up the stairs. The higher they got the louder the screams got. When we reached the top of the stairs the guard could some people were afraid. " Everyone calm down none of these people can get out."  We then turned into a hallway where criminals were being kept being glass in their own rooms. "Nobody be afraid they can't get out the glass is unbreakable." They had a pretty big group and Alice wasn't very social so she hung in the back. They slowly walked down the hall. Everyone in the glass caged were just jumping all around screaming and acting crazy except one. Alice stopped in her tracked to see a man just lying on a bed calmly reading a book. She was calm for second, until she saw his green hair. He was still reading his book when she mindlessly breathed out his name, "Joker." He rose his head from his book and turned to her, "Oh! I didn't realize I had company." He said as he got up and put his book down. Alice took a step back as the joker walked over to the glass. "Don't worry sweetheart I can't get ya from in here, didn't the guard tell ya this glass is unbreakable." Alice didn't answer. "What's wrong cat got your tongue.. Oh yes the guard told ya not to talk to any of us, right? Well, might as well ya all ready broke one rule he said pointing to the empty hallway. Alice gasped, "Oh no." She went to walk away ,but the joker stopped her," Wait, please don't go just talk to me for a minute." Alice walked back to the glass, Joker smiled. "May I ask what's your name?" 

"Alice." Jokers eyes widened.

"Like from Alice in wonderland."

"Yes, it was my ma's favorite story." The Joker's eyes got a twinkle in them. And he smile got wider. Which somehow made her smile.

"What did I say?"

"It's not what you said, it's who sounded like when you said it. My Harley's here, you talk with the same accent." He smiled leaning on the glass.

"Harley Quinn?"

"You know her?"

"I know some things about her, not much though." The Joker smiled.

"I like you, Alice, you make me smile."  Alice smiled.

"I do."

"Yes, which is exactly why I want you to go hide in that bathroom right now." He said pointing to the bathroom at the end of the hall.


"My friends are gonna be here in about minute to come get me and it's gonna get messy in here." Alice was silent for a moment, until she screamed. "HELP HE'S GONNA ESCAPE!!" Joker was shocked. As she ran away, he yelled, "Your dead Alice, I'm gonna kill yooooooouuuu! As she was running a bomb went that shook the building and knocked her off her feet, which made her hit her head on a wall. People were screaming she could hear guns firing she panicked and ran to the elevator and pressed floor number 1. She took deep breaths and her head slightly bleeding and she was in shock. When she heard the ding she ran out of the ran out of the elevator and right into something big she looked up to see it was a man with a small beard wearing a suit, "Where are you going?"

"Please, we need to get out of here someone's breaking out the Joker." He smirked at you.

" That would be me." He grabbed Alice, but she kicked him between the legs. And he let her go.

"Bitch." He groaned. When she ran to the front doors they were locked in chain.

"Fuck!" She yelled as she tried to open the doors. She'd have to find another way. She ran back past where the man had fell after she kicked him, but he was gone, she ran back into the elevator. She clicked the button to go up since there was no where else to go. The elevator doors opened at the same floor the joker was contained in. Alice slowly walked out of the elevator and down the hall to see joker wasn't there, which was terrifying because that meant he was out and possibly looking for her. She turned walk down different hall and noticed a little table. She went up to it and ripped one of the legs off for defense. When she turned the corner she saw an opened window and looked at it as opportunity to get out. She tried to quietly walk to it and as soon as she poked her out. She heard a voice, followed by other peoples footsteps.

"Hold it, Alice." She knew exactly who it was. Before she could turn around she heard a woman giggle. She turn to Harley Quinn and the Joker followed by the man she saw earlier and a few other goons. " I've been looking for ya." He snarled. Harley giggled.

"Yeah, he told me that ya talk like me... so go on say something."

"Let me go." 

Harley frowned, " I don't really hear it, Puddin."

"Quiet, Harley!" He walked closer to Alice.

" I wanna hear you beg me not to kill."

"I'm no begga."

"Oh, now I hear it, Puddin!" She laughed.

" Well, your life depends on it, so why don't ya start now."



"NO!" Joker chuckled at this and looked back to Harley and his goons.

"She must really wanna die, they all laughed. Alice was looking at gun in hand and could tell he didn't have a good grip on it and snatched it real quick.

"HEY!" He yelled.

Then she shot him in the stomach and ran. She could hear a lot yelling behind her, but she just kept on running.  

Kidnapped by the Joker and Harley QuinnWhere stories live. Discover now