Early Birthday Present

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Alice was still knocked out as they drove back to the Jokers place. While Frost was driving the Joker and Harley sat across from each other in the back of the van watching Alice sleep.

"Baby..." The Joker said.

"Yes, Puddin?"

"Ya know how your birthday is next week."

"Of course."

"Well, I have decided  she is one of your gifts." He said motioning to Alice.

"Huh?" She asked innocently. The Joker laughed and got up then sat next to Harley and held her hand.

"Baby, don't you get it, I was going kill her, but then I realized, you don't really have many friends, well you do, but most of them are locked up and we're not very social so I know it's hard for you to make new friends."

"So..she's gonna be my friend?"

"If you want her to be or you just torture her or you can do both, I for one know I'm gonna torture her."

"But you said she was mine."  The joker waved his finger at her.

"Now now now, don't be greedy, you have to share."

"That's right, so Harley when can I have a turn to play with her." Frost said from the front seat.

"Hey! I haven't even got a turn with her yet! " Harley quickly shouted back.

"Stop it, both of you! Everyone will get their chance, besides we have all the time in the world with her. " The Joker gritted his jaw as he look at the still unconscious Alice on the floor.

" Mista J. " Harley said. Joker didn't bother to look away from Alice, but answered,

"Yes, Harley."

"How's your stomach feel, I mean you've be doin all this movin around and you just got shot a few days ago. "

"How do you think it looks?" He said as he moves he took off his purple alligator skin coat just enough for her to see the bandage that was where he had got shot, right under the side of his ribs.

"Poor baby... " She then looked at Alice's body furiously and picked up her bat to swing at Alice while saying, " I'll fuckin kill you bitch !" But the Joker quickly grabbed Harley and her bat and shook her as he said, " What did I say! Were sharing her, how will we that if you just bash her brains in !!!?" Harley looked at Alice then back at the Joker with a guilty look on her face.

"Your right, I'm sorry," she let out a little giggle, " I swear you keep my head on straight. "

The Joker laughed and patted the top of her head, " I know I do, baby. " 

The van came to halt. "Were home boss. "

" Oh goodie! " Harley exclaimed.

"That's right." The Joker said as he looked at Harley then at Alice. Frost got out of the car then opened the two back doors of the van for them to get out, after they got out he grabbed Alice and through her over his shoulder. She was unconscious when he at first, but as they started walking towards the abandoned toy factor where the Joker and Harley lived. He could feel her start to move, then start trying to hit him, he just chuckled as she did this because it didn't effect him. Then when she started to try to yell for help. " mmm mmm !"

But just said, " Sorry darlin, nobody can hear you out here. Then she yelled something that sounded like a " FUCK YOU. " Which caused Frost to slap her ass once very hard while they were walking, which made her let out a yelp. They walked inside and Alice who was still being carried was looking around for something that she could for a weapon, when the time came, but she didn't know what she could use it was a big place, but there was mainly old boxes, old, dirty , broken looking, toys and a conveyor belts that looked like they haven't been used for decades. She saw stairs, so that meant there was two floors at least. Then all of the sudden Frost harshly put her down in a metal chair that had been stuck to the floor with bolts and abruptly slapped her across the face. Then grabbed her hair, so that she would look at him. 

" I hope your ready, because that was just a preview of all the pain your gonna endure here." He chuckled. But he didn't realize how close he was, so Alice took this opportunity to kick him in the nuts with her feet that were duct taped together. He fell to the ground, the Joker and Harley just laughed. Then about 5 Hench men came down the stairs. "Oh hey!" The Joker started while still laughing, "Could any of you make a note for Frost to get an athletic cup or hell I guess everyone's gonna have to wear one around this one. " As he said the last part he ruffled Alice's hair playfully. The got down on one knee in front of her and grabbed her jaw with his hand and in a playful tone said, " Aren't you precious." Alice quickly thought that the only way to express her anger right now was to kick him in the nuts, which she tried to do but failed when he grabbed her stopped her bound feet with his free hand.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk..." Still holding her jaw, " I'm so disappointed in you Alice," He lost the smile and only had the look of no mercy in his eyes. " Tie her ankles down to the separate legs on the chair. " Two Hench men walked over and pulled out a knife and cut the tape that was around her ankles as the other pulled a roll of duct tape out. When the one cut the tape, she kicked him in the face then started kicked everyone who came near her she even kicked Harley. But then the Joker came up from behind her and grabbed her, quickly he pulled her head back putting it on his shoulder so that her throat was exposed and he put a knife to her juggler vain. He put his mouth so close to her ear that she could feel his lips and his hot breath. He slowly sighed.

" I could kill you right now, Alice, but I'm not going to cause that would be too easy, and too quick, I'm gonna have fun with you," He looked at Harley, his lips still not moving from Alice's ear, "we're gonna have fun with you."

Kidnapped by the Joker and Harley QuinnWhere stories live. Discover now