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Alice shot right up, breathing heavy and realized she was in a hospital bed.

"Relax you're okay, you're in the hospital."

"Who are you?"

"I'm a nurse."

"What happened, I remember I was running and then..." she trailed off as she felt the bandage on her head."

" You were shot the bullet grazed your head, you've been out for 2 days. But you're going to be okay."

"Did they get the people who were shooting at me ?" The nurse gave her a sympathetic look, shaking her head.

"I'm sorry."

 " Can I go home?"

"That's up to the doctor, she's with another patient right now, until then you should rest a little bit." she said before leaving. Alice thought she was right, her head hurt and she felt weak, maybe some sleep would help, so she closed her eyes and soon fell asleep.

"I think she's in here." Alice heard a familiar voice, but she didn't open her eyes.

"Aww, isn't she adorable, she's sleeping." She heard footsteps walking over to her bed.

"WAKE UP!!" They yelled as they pressed on to her wound, with what felt like metal. She opened her eyes, it was a gun a person holding it was.. the Joker. Alice quickly started scooting towards the head of the bed.

"Be sure to get shoot right between the eyes, puddin."

"Don't worry baby I'll get it right this time." He said as rose the gun to Alice's face.

" Sleep tide, beautiful." He aimed the gun at Alice pulled the trigger.

"Wake up, Alice. "  Alice opened her eyes. 'Thank god it was just a dream.' She thought.

"Hi, I'm your doctor." She said as she shook Alice's hand.

"Hi, when do you think I can go home. " Her doctor half smiled.

"Well, the trauma on your head from the bullet actually wasn't bad at, probably will leave scarring, your head is going to sore for next couple days, but as long as you clean the wound everyday until it starts to heal, so you should be able to go home today if you feel well enough to do so."

" I feel well enough, I would like to do go home, please." The doctor nodded.

"Okay, but please be careful, I'm not sure if they told you yet, but they didn't catch the people who did this to you."

"They told me.. oh and don't worry I will be."


                                                                  1  HOUR LATER AT ALICE'S HOUSE

Alice was no dummy and she wasn't afraid to fight if she had so after she took a shower when she got home she started hiding different weapons around the apartment mainly a baseball, knifes, short metal poles that were in bedroom closet for some reason, she had made sure there was at one weapon hidden in every room. I mean sure the Joker doesn't know where she lives, but better safe then sorry. 

The next morning she woke up she looked at the clock, it was 11:38 am and she panicked.

"Oh shit, I'm late really late for school."

Kidnapped by the Joker and Harley QuinnWhere stories live. Discover now