No Fear

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The Hench men had duct taped her legs down and then duct taped each wrist on the arms of the cold metal chair, this gave her goose bumps being she was wearing a tank top. Even though they had made sure she couldn't get out of the chair, she still wouldn't stop fidgeting and trying to get out, she wasn't afraid though. More than anything she was angry, angry with everybody in that room. She wasn't even thinking about death or being tortured in that moment, she was thinking about how she had worked so hard to get into college and make a better life for herself and Joker was ruining it.

"Stop straining yourself, you're not gonna get out. " The Joker said with a wide smile, followed by Harley laughing behind him.

Alice tried making out words, but all that came out was, "MMM! MMM!"

"What..." He turned his head to her and pointed to his ear," enunciate I can't understand what your sayin," He looked at her for a few seconds, "OH!" He laughed.                                                           "My bad!" He said as he ripped the tape off making her gasp for a second.

"FUCK YOU" He rose his nonexistent eyebrows at her.

"Ooo." He smirked and everyone in the room laughed.  "Alice you really are--" He was interrupted by Alice spitting in his face. Every ones laughter stopped immediately and Harley gasped. He was silent as he wiped the spit off of his face with his hand until Alice's laughter broke the silence. Everyone looked at her wide eyed but the Joker. "Haha that's what you get YOU UGLY MUTHA FU--." The Joker swiftly put the tape back on her mouth and put on a serious,

"Well.. that was rude." He said with low growl. Alice showed him no fear when he did this, she just looked him right in the eye and didn't look away once. He then spoke up, "Leave us," all of the Hench men left except for Frost who was standing next to Harley, the Joker turned to look at him, "you too, Frost."

"But you said in the car that--."

"You will get your chance Frost ! Harley goes first. Now leave." Frost looked at Alice then at the Joker.

"Okay, boss." Frost left and went up stairs with the other Hench men.

"This is going to be so much fun I'm so excited! Harley exclaimed.

"Oh yeah it." The Joker replied as he wrapped his arms around Harley and kissed her. Alice sat there awkwardly as they kissed, it wouldn't have been that awkward, but they were standing 2 feet in front of her, it just felt weird to her for some reason. When their lips finally separated the Joker spoke, " I have something else for you."

"Really, what !? " She asked with a big smile.

"Wait here, I'll be right back." The Joker walked away leaving Harley and Alice alone. Harley couldn't bare the silence.

"So I know this is the wrong time to say this, but I can't wait for us to be friends, ya know." Alice gave her a confused look. " What.. you're gonna be here for a long time might as well make a new friend. " All Alice could think was 'Does this psycho really think were gonna be friends.' Just then the Joker walked in wheeling what was clearly a large tray wrapped in purple wrapping paper and topped off with a big green bow. "Wow, is that for me!"

"Sure is gorgeous." He stopped right next to Harley and Alice. Harley looked at it and then at the Joker.

"Is it a pony ?!"

"You peaked you little devil. " He said playfully. " Open it and see." She took the bow off and ripped the paper off and her hands went to her cheeks as she squeaked and wrapped her arms around the Jokers neck hugging him, " I love it, Puddin!" Alice looked over at the tray and could see it had various knifes, scalpels, needles, a torch, and other torture devices. Yes, Alice was nervous when she saw all those things but she still showed no fear.

"Okay, Harley pick out which one you wanna use first. " He said breaking the hug and looking at the tray. Harley looked at all of them, then decide on the scalpel and picked it up looking at it in her hand she said, " This one."

The Joker smiled at her, "Good choice baby, very good choice." He said in a low voice. Harley looked at Alice and then grabbed her hair with a tight grip and put the scalpel to her cheek. She smiled at Alice.

"Are you afraid...hmm, this will hurt you, bad.." Harley tried to find the fear in Alice's eyes but there was none there. So she pressed the scalpel down onto her cheek making blood drip down her face. 'That kinda hurt, but I can't show her I'm in pain.' Alice thought to herself. Harley just looked at her face and was waiting for her show that she was in pain. Harley's smile faded as she kept looking at Alice.

"Harley... Darlin, what's wrong?" The Joker asked.

"She, she, she's not, she won't...she won't react she's like robot." Still looking at Alice she said, " She's givin me the creeps." She said backing up and standing next to the Joker as he laughed.

"Harley, you just have to show her that you mean it watch." He said grabbing a knife and stabbing Alice in the thigh and leaving the knife there."

'OH FUCK THAT HURTS, GRIT YOUR TEETH.JUST GRIT YOUR TEETH.' And that's exactly what she did. But the Joker didn't notice because as soon as he stabbed her he turned to look at Harley.

"See." He said. Harley was still looking at Alice.

"She doesn't look any different than she did before." She said pointing at Alice. The Joker turned around to look at Alice, he was starting to get angry now. He grabbed her face with both hands and said,

"So you think your pretty tough, huh?" He said looking into her eyes. She nodded and he backhanded her with his hand that had the most rings on it. She made no noise and just looked at him. So he hit her again and this time harder than the first. 'Damn that hurt, but I can't give him the satisfaction he doesn't deserve that.' Alice thought. He hit about five more times. Her nose was bleeding and she could feel her face swelling and knew she definitely going to have a bruises. He roughly grabbed her face forcing her to look at him and even though she was in pain she laughed at him through the tape and they could both hear mumbled laughter. This made him furious and whenever the Joker was furious that made Harley worried because the Joker laughed at everything. "Puddin calm down."

"Zip it, Harley!" He said in anger. Alice was trying to say something which made them both look at here, "What is it now? " The Joker asked as he pulled the tape off.

"I'm not afraid of you..." She said looking him up and down, "pussy." Blood splattered out of her mouth as she said the last part. The Joker had no expression on his face for a moment, looking at Harley he laughed, which made Harley laugh. The Joker got really close to Alice's face that their nose were almost touching.

"I'm gonna make you regret ever sayin that to me." He said with no smile and an evil glint in his eye. Alice didn't know how to answer so she just spit in his face. He didn't he just kept the same glare and let the spit trickle down his face. Harley broke the silence,

"Eww, Puddin you know I love you but that's really gross." The Joker stood up and wiped the spit off his face and took out his phone and dialed Frost even though he was just upstairs.

"I'm need ya to come down here and chain Alice up in the basement I think we had enough playtime for tonight." He hung the phone up.

"Hey, but Puddin I barely got to--"

"YOU BARELY GOT TO WHAT" He snapped at Harley she cowered as he yelled her. But then Alice spoke up,

"Aww is the clown angry." She said in a mocking tone. He chuckled.

"You never quick do ya?"

"Do you?" She replied.

He brought his fist back and punched her in the face knocking her out.


Harley shyly said, " Puddin, what if she never fears us?" The Joker wrapped his arms around Harley hugging her,

"Don't worry, she will... eventually."

Hey sorry I didn't update sooner I had computer problems and when I wrote this the first time it accidently got deleted I don't even know how it happened. LOL

Kidnapped by the Joker and Harley QuinnWhere stories live. Discover now