#8 what his parents think of you

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#8 what his parents think of you

Tom- Tom's parents thinks your sweet, kinda, funny, polite, but they think your dating Tom for his money and your trying to change that.

Max- Max's parents don't like you at all. They don't like how when Max's is with you he can't keep his eyes off you when his talking to them and they don't like how you follow him around like a lost puppy when your at their how's, but that's really not your fault because you don't know your way around yet.

Nathan- Nathan's mom and sister like you, but his dad thinks that you only like him for his looks amdhis money, but your trying to change that.

Jay- Jay's parents think you are the perdect match for him. Clumsy, smart, nice, funny and they are really happy that you don't like him for his money, but for who his is.

Siva- Siva's parents didn't like you at first. They thought that you where stuck up and that you only like Siva because how handsome he is. But once they got to talk to you with out Siva they saw the nice, sweet, kind, funny girl that siva loves.

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