#9What your parents thinks of him

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#9What your parents thinks of him

Tom- your parents think he's messy and loud. But they know that you love him and that there is no changing your mind. So the foucse on the positive.

Max- your parents love him. His personality, how he treats you, his accent mostly, and how polite he is.

Nathan- your parents love him. They love how he make you happy, how when they need something and they love how kinda, sweet and funny he is.

Jay- your parents like him, but they don't like how you look with him. The don't like how you have curly hair and you have straight, they don't like how short he makes you look. But they do his he treats you, and hiw sweet he is and that's all that matters.

Siva- your parent love him. They love his Irish accent, his smile, his laugh, who kind he is and how funny his is. So you try your best keeping him away from you mom because your scared that she might divorce your dad and marrie him.

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