Chapter Five

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His eyes were puffy and red. I could tell he was crying. He sniffs and then tells me "I'm going to be a father.." I say very confusedly "Wait what? Is Kaycie pregnant?!" He nods and puts his hands back on his face. I say surprisedly "Congratulations! Why are you crying mate? Your going to be a father! Isn't that gonna be great?! You'll get to see you daughter or son grow up!" Then he says Sadly "What if I'm not going to be the best father as I can. What if Kaycie thinks I'm a horrible father." Then he starts to cry even more. It was so sad to see him crying. I say to cheer him up "You are going to be the best father anyone is gonna have! Kaycie won't think your gonna be horrible father! She'll think your gonna be the greatest one! You'll do fine! You are like my father but my best mate! Don't worry! You just need to get some rest! Let's go back inside." I gave him a tissue to wipe the tears and patted his back to say it was going to be alright! We got up and went inside. I told him he could sleep in my bed with Ash cuz she was already asleep. I tried carry her with my arms but couldn't so I just put her arms around my neck. Finn had already been sleeping and Ash.

I was gonna have to sleep out on the couch that was fine with me! Angus had still be drinking and watching a different movie that i hadn't seen. I was on my phone seeing if anyone was still awake. It was only 9:45 probs people would be asleep. Then I see that someone has added me and it was.. Joesph!? I didn't know he knew my user for message, I didn't care anyway he texted to me saying:
Joesph: Hello Cassie Carson! :)
Cassie is typing...
Cassie: Hello Joesph Fox! How'd you get me cheeky?
Joesph: From Hollies contacts :))))
Cassie: You are cheeky!
Joesph: I know I am!
Cassie: What are you doing up texting to me at 9:50? ^~^
Joesph: My parents are out for dinner, Hollie is at a party and my friends are not on but you and I'm lonely.
Cassie: Ok :)
Joesph: Hey Cassie! Do you wanna meet up at the cafe tomorrow for lunch? And it's not a date by the way! Just letting you know if you were gonna be worried! You don't have to but you can if you want! ~.~ If you are not too busy.
Cassie: I'd love too Joesph! Just friends hanging out for lunch!
Joesph: Yep! Pretty much!
Cassie: I gtg! My phone is going to be flat! See you tomorrow Fox! ;)
Joesph: You too Carson! :)

That conversation was like everything! I had to quickly and get my charger and plug it in somewhere on the wall. I sat back down on the couch with Angus. He was so drunk and tired. He turned the tv off and looked at me for some reason. I thought he was going to sleep but then he said kindly "Did I ever told you, you have such a gorgeous face with or without makeup!" He was kind but that is when he is drunk so I knew he has feelings for me. I replied back with "Aww! Thankyou Angus! You are such a lovely friend to have!" Then all of a sudden he had lean in to kiss me but then I pushed away and said "What the fuck are you doing Angus?!" Then Angus said "What? I thought you had a thing for me?" That when I started to get pissed at Angus. I said angrily "Angus! I had a thing for you in grade6 that was long ago but now I don't!" And then I continued " Don't fucking do that again!" Then I slap him across the face leaving a red mark. I can't believe he did that though! I was only friends with him! But I don't think anymore.I got upset what he did to me so I went to text the only person I could only talk to now is Joe.
Cassie: Hey Joe, I just need someone to talk to right now! :(
Joesph is typing...
Joesph: What's wrong Cassie?
Melanie: My friend Angus who I was good friends with but I don't think now, he leans to fucking kiss me and I'm really upset and pissed at him for doing that. You might think it's not a big deal but it is for me cuz I really don't want to be in a relationship with someone right now! :( sorry for my language.
Joesph: He's a bastard for doing that, that is not how you treat women. You don't need to be sorry about your language! Was he drunk?
Cassie: Yes he was drunk! He is quite a dumbfuck for doing that and a cunt. After he did that I slap him across the face.
Joesph: Thats what he deserves for not treating a friend right!
Cassie: Thanks Joe! :) I'm going to hit the hay now! I'll see you tomorrow!
Joesph: you too!

Whenever I would text to him, He would just know what to do and it feels like he knows me more than anyone else. I.. I think I'm in love with him and have actual feeling for him even though I met him at the mall. He probably wants to stay in the friendzone with me. I really wanted to get my mind off the whole kissing thing so I just turned off the lounge room and kitchen lights off and got myself a pillow and blanket to lay down on the couch. Goodnight to me. And goodnight to everyone... *Falls asleep*

Wow this is so weird! Why am I in a caf-... Wait! This is where me and Joe are meeting for lunch. Shit! Omg I think I see his car, I don't know if it is his car but the car looks familiar somewhere.. I can't remember.. I think I see Joe he's walking up to me with flowers.. Wait it's not Joe..its..its ANGUS! "Angus! Getaway from me!" I keep running and running until I see that looks like Joe. I run to him and I start to cry and then he says "Who are you? What's wrong?" I start to be confused "Wait! You don't know who I am? I'm Cassie Carson!! We met at the mall! Remember" he replies with "Have we met? I'm really sorry but I don't know who you are and I've never seen you at the mall." I start to run away and cry. Why do I keep having these horrible dreams! GET ME OUT OF HERE! I start to scream,yell and cry for help!


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