Chapter Fifthteen

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I had just woken up and I get up and check what the time is. It's 11:27 already! I've been sleeping for awhile. I have seen that Joe is not here and has left for he's football thing. Happy Birthday To Me! I'm Now 20! Spending the day by myself and probably watching Netflix all day! I walk down the hallway and see that there is a gift. Omg! I got a bouquet of red roses! My favourite! And I got 5blocks of chocolate. I had tears in my eyes right now. I then see there is a letter next to the gifts. I pick it up and read it. This is what is written on the letter:
To my beautiful girlfriend, Cassie Carson
When I first saw your face, I had my heart to you. I just knew that we were perfect together and always be together. When you confessed your feelings to me I was so happy that you did that. I hope we stay together for ever and ever. I'm really sad that I don't get to be with you, spending your 20th birthday. I'll always have my heart on you. I'm really happy that I'm with you. I hope you love the gifts I got you, I didn't really know what kind of chocolate you liked so I got any sorts of chocolates for you. I don't get to see your gorgeous face today. I'm already missing you. Happy 20th Birthday Cassie. Have a beautiful day. Your all grown up. I love you more than anything in the world. I wish I could be with you and your sexy body. I love you Cassie Carson. I wish I could kiss you.
Love by your only one,
Joesph Fox xxx

Tears slowly went down my face. This was the most loveliest letter I have read in my life. Joe was the most caring person on planet earth. I love him so much and wanted to be with him badly! I started to cry in happiness and took my roses into my room. I was the happiest girl in the world to be with a handsome man. This relationship was better one I had with Jack. I kept the letter on my cabinet next to my side of the bed. I got up and whipped my tears out of the way and had a shower. I had a big smile on my face.

Joesph POV
"We can get into my car and put it into the back seat. Two people could hold the cake so it won't fall and I drive to the club and..yeah." I explained. "That's a great idea! Let's do it now!" Finn said excitedly. We all hold the cake and get it into my car onto the back seats. Scott was in the front seat and Hollie and Bethi were holding the cake at the back so it wouldn't fall and make a big mess. By the time we got to the club, me and Scott got out quickly and help carried the cake. We got it into the club and put it into the kitchen. "Phew! We are done!" Hollie exclaimed. We got out of the club and got back in the car and drove off. I drove back to Finns house and got into my outfit. Never to early am I right?! Heaps and heaps of people texting me about the party and asking what time and saying they are so excited. "We never thought of this but how are we going to get Cassie?" Hollie asked. "Wait! Ash! Ash can go to Cassie and say that she needs need to drop off something." I exclaimed. They all nod their heads and started to get into their party outfits. I texted Ash saying:
Joesph: hey Ash! I've got something for to do.
Ash: What is it?
Joesph: around 6:55 can you go pick Cassie up and say to her that you need to drop something off at the mail and you need her to come with you. But really you're secretly bringing her to her birthday party.
Ash: Sure! That's really good! I've got her a dress and shoes for her to wear anyway XD

It was about 6:37 and people started to arrive at the club. Me and Scott were ticking all of the names off who was arriving. The people inside were all talking inside. People were looking up at the ceiling cuz of the balloons and some were looking around the place. I had gotten a DJ and payed him about $700 for it. Ash got here and said to me "Ok! It's 6:53 so I'm gonna get Cassie now!" I nod my head and she left.

I had baked myself a chocolate cupcake with chocolate frosting on it and sprinkled sprinkles on top. I stuck a candle in it and lit it saying unhappy "Happy birthday to me.." I blew the candle out and ate the cupcake. You can't leave food to waste right? I sat on the couch with a blanket, looking threw movies to watch until I here a knock at the door. I walk to the door and open it. "Hey Cassie!" Ash surprisingly said. She walked in and had a bag with clothes in it. I didn't know why but I didn't want to ask. "What are you doing here..Ash? I thought you were busy?" I said concerned look. "Well now I'm not. I've got to drop something off and I want you to come with me." She says excitedly for some reason. "Umm ok. Let's go!" I say. "Hun, I've got to be honest! You can't wear that but I've got something you can wear that will make you a hot rose." She said. She then makes me sit down on my bed and gets my makeup and starts to put it on. When it was all done, I had a look in my mini mirror and WOW! This really does make me hot. Ash was even better putting makeup on than me. She then gets me up and starts to curl my hair. I really have know idea what she is doing. We are just going to drop something off not to a party. But I just let her do it. I looked hot though so yeah. It was all done and I looked hot! "One more thing!" She passes me the bag with a dress and shoes. She leaves the room to let me change. I pulled the dress out and omg! It was so stunning. It was a dark red dress. Not dark dark red. The perfect red.

It was really stunning and the shoes. It really did look like I was going to a party not even kidding. I walked out of my room and went to the kitchen to show Ash. "See! I told you so! You look like a hot beautiful rose. Come on let's go!" She said in happiness. She pulled my arm out of the apartment. We got into the car and she started to drive off. We have been driving for awhile now and it was already 7:13. "What are you dropping off again Ash?" I asked concerned. She started to smile. "Your not really dropping anything aren't you? Where are you taking me?" I asked again. "You'll see Cassie. You'll never regret it.. And also.. Happy birthday." She said. She had a big grin on her face. We got there and I had know idea where we were going into. We got out of the car and started walking. We she opened the door and no one was there, I couldn't tell cuz their were no lights on and it looks like a club. "SURPRISE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY CASSIE!!" Everyone yelled out. Omg! All along, they were secretly doing a surprise birthday party for me! My face was lit red like a tomato. My eyes started to water for happiness. I hugged all of my friends there and also meeting new friends of Joes. "Omg Joe! Did you do this?" I asked nearly crying over how happy I am. "Yes I did!" He smirked. I started kissing him and then Joes friend Scott said "Stop the smooching and get this club started!" He yelled in excitement. The DJ started doing his thang. It was so loud and I loved it! This was the best Birthday I have ever had!

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