Chapter Six

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I felt something wet on my face. It felt like water. When I opened my eyes I saw Ash and Angus holding a glass which obviously had water in it. They were probably waiting me to cook breakfast for them. I got up and rubbed my eyes, I got some bread and put it in the toaster. Angus came behind me and wanted to talk to me on the balcony so I did. He said kindly to me "I'm really sorry for what happened last night about the kiss thing, I just had to many beers and I was really drunk. I did deserve that slap. I don't know why I did that last night. I hope you can accept my apology!" I replied back with "I accept your apology! Just next time, don't drink too many beers. It really does make you sick! And I am still friends with you." We both hugged each other and smiled! I'm glad we did it and get it over and done with! I don't like holding grudges!

Then I just realised I forgot about the toasts I quickly ran in to get them but they weren't in the toaster..? Then I saw that they were on a plate, not burnt or black and there wasn't any smoke in the apartment. The I realised that Ash probably popped them out! We all ate toast for breakfast with spreads on it of course! Then they both packed their belongings and clothes in their bag and had to go. I said cya to both of them when they left. Now I have to clean up the place. I really hate cleaning but sometimes in life you gotta do it to get it done. I spent about an hour and a half cleaning the place up! Then when I was pulling off my blanket from my bed, I have just saw that there is shit on the sheet on the side where Ash was sleeping...Fuckkk mee..

After cleaning shit off my fucking sheet, I took a shower, put on my mint blue dress, curled my hair, did a easy look for my makeup and wore cute white sandals with little flowers on them. I had texted him if he could pick me up cuz I didn't have a car.. Well the car thing was a lie but I said that and he said he would pick me up. I really feel like this is a date for some reason but it's not. I wish but sometimes wishes don't always come true and anyway he'd probably has a girlfriend but who was I'd to know. I told him where my apartment was and what floor I was on AND my door. I heard a knock at the door when I opened it.. Oh my lord! He was so handsome I nearly fainted not kidding!! He said with a smile "You look very lovely! You ready?!" then I replied back "Thankyou Joe! You do too! And of course I'm ready!" When we walked out of the room, we were both blushing so much even in the elevator, it felt like it was going on for ever.

When we got out of the apartment building we got into his car and drove off to the cafe. In the car it was so awkward none of us said a word to each other. We finally got there! It looked so good! He went out of the car and opened the door for me and I started to blush so much! Why the hell was I blushing so much!!" Thanks Joe! Your such a gentleman!" I said. Then he started to blush again like I did! We walked in and he had already booked a table for us! Uahh! I can't get over how sweet he is! We went to our table that was outside which was nice and he asked "What are you going to get?" The I said scamming threw the menu "I'm not really sure yet. I've never been here before." After 10minutes deciding what to have, I got a piece of mud cake chocolate and a coco. He got a salad and water. After we finished eating up, we were talking a lot about high school and childhood.

"Hey! We should play that 20 yes or no questions game, so we can get to know each other!" He said surprisingly. I knew he was trying to flirt with me and I did flirt back. "ok!" I said. Then he says "I'll start off with my first question." Omg I was so anxious and nervous what yes/no questions he was going to ask me.
*I'm going to set it up like this when they are playing the yes/no game cuz it's much easier! Ok back to the chapter!*
Joesph-"Ok.. Are you above 16?"
Joesph-"Are you 18?"
Joesph-"Have you had your birthday yet?"
Joesph-"Do you have any siblings?"
Joesph-"Is Cassie your real name?"
Cassie-"Yes!" *giggles*
Joesph-"Have you had sex before?"
Joesph-"Have you had a boyfriend in the past?"
Joesph-"Do you have any pets?"
Joesph"Are you vegan?"
Joesph-"Are you a vegetarian?"
Joesph-" Ok! Do you like me?"
Joesph-"Wait.. What!?"
Cassie-" I uhh.."
I quickly run to the lady's room and breathe. I had said to myself in the mirror what the hell went out of your mouth Cassie! Wow! Now he knows you like him and probably gonna think your weird now and probably not going to hangout with you anymore and probs..NOT BE YOUR FRIEND! My face looked liked a tomato now! Great! Good job me! I felt like I was gonna have a anxiety attack but I didn't! I was sweating as hell and was so dehydrated and I feel like I'm gonna...gonna fain- *falls on the ground*

45minutes later....
*wakes up* It was so blurry until I saw I lady from the cafe, I got up and was so dizzy until I got my balance,the lady had asked "Are you ok ma'am?" I replied back politely with "Yes Thankyou, I'm ok. What happened?" The she said "Well a woman and her daughter went in here and found you on the floor. I think you fainted!" I then said "Ok, Thankyou for helping me." She replied back with "Your welcome!" Then she walked out back to doing her job. I grabbed my phone to leave then I saw there was a lots of texts from Joe. Then the lady cocked her head out in the door saying "Oh and someone is waiting for you." I knew it was going to be Joe. I was real nervous to talk to him about what happened and about the question he'd asked me.

When I walked out of the lady's room Joe yelled "Cassie!" And gave me a hug. When I saw his face it looked like he was about to cry. He then asked worriedly "What happened?! I was really worried about you Cas!" He took me to a seat and made me sit down and talk about what happened."The only thing I could remember is that I ran into the bathroom and fainting because of something." Then we got up and went back to the car and then he says "Do you want to go to the movies?" Then I said tiredness "Ok.."

Sorry if this was long cuz I had a lot of things to write in the chapter and this chapter is my favourite because it has some romance in it!

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