Chapter 4

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-After school-

Oh great Matt is gonna beat me up now, Louis will probaby come along aswell. Louis, well Louis used to be my fiend when we were 10, but then he got along with Harry and he became one of 'them'. I kept walking tight clutching onto the strap of my bag over my shoulder.

''There's the bitch!'' A voice yelled. I snapped my head over at who it was. Harry. No surprise.I stopped dead in my tracks and waited for the pain to just come across. Sooner, the better. He came over, raised his hand and slapped me right across the face. Matt came over aswell and started kicking me. Then Harry punched me right in the eye. Yup, I'll be waking up with a purple eye in the morning for sure.

''You should die!'' Matt shouted at me. Yeah, I should. I know.

''Well then why don't you just finish me off then.'' I shouted back.

''Don't you shout at me, you hear me?!'' Harry yelled. I nodded. He grabbed my collar and pushed my body against the hard wall. Why does life hate me. I was crying so loud now.

''That'll be it for now Matt, let's go.'' Then they walked off. I stayed there for a good 5 minutes before trying to walk. Luckily, I managed.

~~~~~After the walk~~~~

I walked to the front door and quietly opened it with my keys. My mum's face appeared from the corner with a look of worry. Oh damn! Come on Rosie, think of some lie.

''Rosie, honey what happened?'' She ran to me and looked over at my body.

''Urm...I...fell over a rock and hit my face...?'' It turned out more of a question. She gave me a confused look.

''Well it must be some huge rock then. You know sweetie, if anything is worrying or upsetting you, you can always tell me. That's why I'm here for you.'' She slowly put meaning into the words. I felt slightly better, but I knew I can't tell my mum about Harry. Well maybe I could tell her about being bullied, but not mentioning Harry? Yeah. But not now.

I nodded at her with a small smile.

''Oh and Rosie, Anne and I are going on a business trip tomorrow for 3 months. So you'll be stayingover at Harry's OK?'' You.are.joking.F*** no! 

''Do I have to? Can't I stay over at Sarah's atleast?'' I asked. My mum shook her head.

''Sorry honey, we both already agreed and packed most of your stuff.'' She replied. Ugh. I forced a smile at her and stormed upstairs into my room. Plus, the window to my room is facing Harry's room aswell. I went over to the switch, turned it on and looked over at my window. The curtains were open. I walked over and peeked through it, Harry was on his phone sitting on his phone facing my room. But he didn't realise. Good. I closed the curtains and flopped my body against the bed. 

But then I just realised I had to do the project with him, so I have to go over his today. Ugh. I walked back downstairs with my bag across my shoulder.

''Bye mum, I'm going over someone's house to finish off a project.'' I yelled out.

''OK, bye sweetie.'' She called out from the kitchen. I walked over to the door and shut it behind me The crispy winter air hit my face as I continued walking over to the house. I knocked on the door, waiting for a response. The door eventually opened, and there stood Gemma.

''Oh hello Rosie, come in.'' She introduced me in. I gave her hug and said a hello back.

''I'll just be upstairs to work on a project with Harry.'' I said with annoyance. I then walked off upstairs just before I reached the door with a skull on it. I gently knocked on it, I heard him groan but open it anyway.

''What do you want?!'' He harshly spoke.

''You said to work on the project.....' I trailed off. Just then I saw in his eyes a sign that he remembered. He opened his door wider for me to enter his room. I sat down on the bed and opened my bag to take my books out. I felt the other side of the bed sink in, I also felt his stare on me. It was quite awkward so I looked at him. He quickly look away and picked up some frame on his bedside table.

''So about we both split and do seperate parts of the project. You can focus on the Romans chapter, while I work on the Vikings...?'' I suggested. He snapped his head up to my face, then the book.

''Urr...I guess so.'' He replied.


It had been a good half hour looking through pages of books.I'm surprised that he hasn't even made a move on me yet. No, not the 'dirty' move. I'm talking about physical bullying. I sprawled out onto his bed facing the side of the pillow, while he was doing the same as me but facing the opposite direction.

Good thing, our feet wern't in our faces. I looked over at the frame he was looking at earlier on. A smile broke out onto my face as I saw what was infront of me. It was a picture of me and Harry when we were younger, promising to always be there for each other.Pft.(Photo on the side)

Someone cleared their throat from behind me. So I quickly placed the frame down and lowered my head to look at the page I was on.Why did history have to be so boring, yet so easy if you're a straight A student like me. My feet felt something tingly on them. Harry was tickling me, not only on my feet but on my sides aswell. I couldn't help but burst out laughing.

He didn't stop he kept tickling me, while I was gasping for some air.

''H-hha-r-r-y s-s-top t-i-ck-l-i-i-ng m-ee!!'' I managed to say inbetween laughs.He had a smirk plastered on his face.

''Only if you say that Harry is the hottest guy on earth.''

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