Chapter 8

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After the two women got out of the house, Harry locked it shut and turned to me.

''Right, listen bitch.'' He snaps at me. Here comes the torture....

''My house, my rules.'' His voice starts off very unwelcoming. I stand there waiting for whatever Harry has to say next.

''Tonight I'm gonna throw a party. It sounds good doesn't it? But you know what the best part is? You'ree not gonna be involved so fuck off or I'll make you.'' He threatens. Wait, so he's going to throw a party without telling our parents? Isn't that what Anne said; not to allow parties.

''But your mum-'' The tall boy cuts me off. ''Screw that. They're never gonna know, and you better not tell them.'' The tone in Harry's voice is turning more firm and flat. I'm still questioning why I'm not lying on the ground beaten up. I thought too soon.

His hand flicks to my head and I almost flinch.

''Did you hear me?!'' Harry shouts.

''Yes, I heard you.'' I respond back with hesitation. He starts climbing up the stairs before starting to speak again.

''I'm going to take a shower, go and watch TV or something. But DON'T do anything stupid like the stupid girl you are.'' I nod along and walk my way to the living room. I reach for the remote and accidentally fell over the wii console. Phew! Who knows what he would've done if he saw me. I flipped through channel after channel before stopping at Friends.


*Harry's POV*

As I walk up the stairs, I reached down to my pockets to check my phone. Nothing. I decided to phone Matt first to discuss the party.

''Hey mate, wussup?'' He answers. Never get tired of it.

''Hey, I was thinking how about we throw a party? At my place. My mum's out of town.'' I respond back smoothly.

''Great man. It's about time to have a party aint it? I'm glad you came to call.''

''Awesome dude. Oh and make sure you bring the food and drinks as well as some hot girls.'' Tonight's gonna be real fun.

After I took a shower, I heard Friends playing downstairs. Probably her flipping through dumbass shows. I'll make sure to get rid of her as soon as the first person arrives. Once I changed into my black t-shirt with black jeans, I applied my cologne and rushed downstairs. My eyes followed to the clock. 6.45. They'll be here soon.

I slowly peeked into the living room and saw the small girl huddled into the corner of the couch, her eyes glued to the screen and she is hugging a cushion. It was quite adorable to watch actually, what? No. Screw that, I meant to say it was quite 'lame.'

It wasn't until now, that I realized her body is so damn skinny. Way too skinny, has she been eating at all? Oh well. Who cares, let her be. Without thinking, I already took the cushion off her and turned the TV off. Welcome to my world.

''I never said you could watch TV!'' I lied. I just want to pick on her over something. Her face looked confused for a second before fear covered her eyes.

''People will be here any minute. And I sure as hell don't want them to see you. So you'll be down where you really belong, the basement with all the other dump. You'll fit in fine with it.'' The words left my mouth. I do feel guilty for doing this to her.

''But you're not-'' I cut her off by pulling her hair which caused a loud shriek from her mouth. My legs dragged the girl as fast as possible. It was like pulling along a feather, she's incredibly skinny and way too light. As I reached the door to the basement, I pulled the handle open with my free hand. Once the door opened, a shiver flew over my body. It was bloody cold down there, perfect. Without thinking, I pushed Rosie in, she immediately fell on the floor and started to whimper. Good.

''Bye, bitch.'' I finished off and shut the door behind. The doorbell rang signalling my first guest has arrived, just about time. Now time for some real fun.


*Rosie's POV*

''Bye, bitch.'' Harry finished off. I was left lying on the floor and started to whimper. I can't believe he literally chucked me into the basement. Shows me how much of a jerk he is. My hands wandered over to my head, it's still hurting from all the pulling, ouch. I reached into my pocket to pull my phone out. Just my luck, it's dead ; just like me anytime soon.

At least my pocket bible was still in my pocket. I took it out and started reading the parts related to ' Afraid of people/ Bullied' ( A/N: By the way, this character is a Christian, sorry to those who aren't)


I only managed to read a few lines of the passage I was on, because the dim flicker of light in the corner had gone blunt. Now it's just me and the darkness with the cold. My eyes were getting heavy, so I decided to lay down on something, but there was hardly anything here to sleep on. I had no choice, I layed down on the cold hard floor, I knew he was trouble.

Soon, darkness had come over me and I slept away in the basement.

* Harry's POV*

Everyone was inside by now, Matt brought the drink and Luke brought the food. ( I know that I mentioned Louis in this before, but now he's going to be Luke. Because the real Louis will come out later on)

Anyway, my hands grabbed ahold of the wine glass in front of me. I chugged the liquid down desperately and felt a burning sensation flow down my throat. Lovely. It made me want more of it. That was until Holly appeared in front of my eyes. Time to have some real fun. I walked over to her, she too was drinking and dancing on the dance floor. Damn, she looked so sexy in her clothes.

''Hey babe.'' I smiled. She smirked at me and walked forward and started snogging me.

''Hey baby, I missed you. Alot.'' She says into my ear. I knew that she meant my dick, but I missed her body too to be honest. Oh god, I'm not thinking straight. All this alcohol is getting to my head alot.

''Let's dance.'' I exclaimed. My body started to grind against Holly, and she did the same to me. Her face was caked in make up, the dress was way too high and showed almost all of her cleavage. I got feel myself getting hard.


''Let's take this somewhere else, babe.'' I told the fake blonde. She was right beside me and my arm was wrapped around her waist. My mouth covered hers and played with each others tongue. This is where the fun begins. I lead her up the stairs and into my bedroom.

(I'm not going to mention what goes on in this part. BUT I will mention some details briefly.)

'' H-HHHH--AAAAAAAAA--RR--R-R-R-YYYYY!!!'' Holly screamed, the voice was so high it made me want more.


''Fuck, you taste so good.''

''I'm almost there.''


During sex with Holly, I for some reason kept thinking about Rosie. It reminded me of leaving her there in the basement. Damn, she's still in that flipping basement, I should get her out. Or not she's probably asleep, I thought again. Who cares? She's a slut. No, Holly's a slut. Urgh! The alcohol keeps getting me so confused.

''Harry?!'' The high pitched voice called out. Oh right, I almost forgot what I was doing. Now where was I?


A/N: Tut tut tut Harry. He's such a naughty boy, isn't he. Please comment this time. I want at least 5. And I'm not one of those evil authors who ask for 300 comments. 5 is all I'm asking.

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