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"Dipper? y-you're a vampire?" Mabel squeaked.
Dipper nodded.
"Mabel. I swear I will never hurt you, Stan or Ford! I won't hurt anyone in our fa-"
"That's so COOL!!!" Mabel squealed, then sighed in relief. "I was worried you were going to say something else, like you were leaving me here!"
Dipper smiled.
"Yeah. I'm so glad you're ok, with it!" he sighed, before laying down on his bed.
"Wait, wait, wait! I've not shown you MY secret yet!" Mabel chirped, bouncing up and down a little bit.
"Huh?" Dipper uttered, confused.
He sat up, undoing his tie and placing it in the drawer next to some contact lenses he used if he couldn't use his powers to change his eye colour, making him look a little more human with a disguise form.
"Watch..." Mabel told Dipper. Her eyes went neon green, pink streaks appeared in her hair and her skin sparkled. She took off her sweater which revealed her wearing a tank top, something unfolded from her back.
Dipper gasped softly, staring in amazement as pink, purple and black fae wings unfolded from his sister's back. The wings shook out and fluttered gently.
"Whoa! you're a fairy! you look beautiful" Dipper breathed, and Mabel giggled.
Dipper stepped forward, stretching out a pale hand and stroking Mabel's left wing.
Mabel giggled again and the wings shook, sprinkling fairy dust on the floor.

They stayed up for another couple of hours before Dipper yawned, feeling suddenly tired.
He got dressed into his sleepwear before laying back on his bed, hands crossed over his chest as if he was a corpse in a morgue and closed his eyes.
Mabel pouted.
She hated that she was diurnal and her brother was nocturnal. She wished so much for more time to spend with her brother before he  had to sleep once more.
She stood watching her twin for a few moments before crawling back under the covers and sleeping once again.
The moon hid behind the horizon, giving way to the shining sun of the next day, the birds beginning their morning song and any creatures in the woods emerging to enjoy the summer air.

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