Chapter Two

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The day went by excruciatingly slow, you watched as the minutes ticked by on the old clock above the entrance.

When the day finally ended and you were able to leave, you hung up your apron, grabbed your things, and walked out to the parking lot. You half expected the two men to not show up, but when you saw the boys roll into the lot in a black, 1967 Chevy Impala, you were told otherwise. You waved at them, signalling to follow your car. You got in, starting the engine and driving out of the parking lot, the Impala following shortly behind.

It was a short, seven minute drive to your house, located along the outskirts of the town. You had inherited the colonial style house from your grandmother years ago. It was always way too big for you, which is part of the reason you let hunters stay for a few nights.

You pulled into your driveway, stepping out as the boys' car arrived. They came out carrying duffle bags and followed you to the front door. You pulled the keys out and swung the door open. You stepped inside, unfazed at this point by the lavishly decorated interior. Sam and Dean, however, openly gaped at the decor.

"Damn... This is awesome. Way better than any motel," You heard Dean whisper. You smiled and continued up the large staircase, motioning for Sam and Dean to follow. They did, and soon you reached the hallway with the bedrooms. You turned to the two.

"So, uh... I don't know if you want two beds or if you want one, you know, because..." Your voice trailed off, but they seemed to understand what you were implying.

"Oh! We're not together! We're brothers," Sam clarified, making you breathe a sigh of relief. There was a strong blush spread across his face, and you could only assume that you had one equally strong.

"Of course! Haha... I'll-um- follow me," You said, deciding that saying anything more would result in your embarrassment increasing tenfold. You led them a little down the hallway and arrived at two doors. "Here, you guys can decide amongst yourself which one you want. I'll be downstairs," You said, leaving them to pick rooms.

As you walked into the kitchen you found yourself smiling brightly, happy that Sam wasn't dating Dean. You knew it was selfish but you couldn't help but want him all to yourself. Despite knowing him for less than a day. You got a cup of cold water that you had put in the fridge, downing it in one gulp in an effort to cool your face.

You were in the middle of washing a few dishes when you heard footsteps coming from the hall outside your kitchen. You though it was one of the brothers, so turned around to greet them. It was not, in fact, one of the brothers, and you let out a horrified scream at what was before you.

It was a man, a man wearing just a simple black tee shirt and jeans. This man, however, had half his face falling off, revealing another. Pieces of skin were falling off in different places, and he looked to be in great pain. His eyes widened, as if he didn't expect to see you there, but his surprised expression soon turned to one of malice. You were frozen, unable to move as he advanced toward you.

"I didn't realise you were here... This knowledge would have made my job so much easier," He said, his voice raspy. With your movement being regained, you tried to reach for the nearest tool that you could use as a weapon, your hands clasping over the handle of a heavy pan.

The man gripped your arm, leaning in so that you were mere inches from his disfigured and falling apart face. You looked away, yelping and dropping the pan as his grip on your arm tightened.

"Where... In... This house... Is... It..." He demanded. You had no idea what he was talking about, and found yourself being thrown across the kitchen when you didn't answer. You felt your head and side collide with a wall rather harshly, but you didn't loose consciousness.

"Ah! W-what are you talking about?!" You cried, cowering as he advanced toward you once more. Your head was throbbing and your breathing was difficult, a sharp pain shooting through you with every intake of breath.

Someone else shouted suddenly, making you look up at the hallway. There stood Sam and Dean, shotguns aimed at the mysterious man.

"Get away from her!" Sam yelled, shooting at the man. The bullet lodged in his arm and he howled in pain, looking for the quickest exit, and jumping out one of the open windows. As soon as he was gone Sam and Dean rushed to your side, checking your injuries.

"It'll be okay, it'll be okay..." Sam whispered.

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