Chapter Twelve

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When you regained consciousness it couldn't have been more than a few minutes later, as Dean was still by Sam's side, muttering under his breath. You quietly approached them, and as you did, you could hear what Dean was saying.

"C'mon Sammy... Not like this... C'mon... You can't go like this... Sammy please..." Dean's voice broke several times, and you couldn't help but feel your own throat tighten as well. Dean pulled a piece of paper from Sam's pocket, staring at it with hate. You furrowed your eyebrows at the sight of the piece of paper, silently asking for it by reaching your hand out. Dean glared at you but set the paper in your outstretched hand.

You opened the piece of paper, reading the words that were scribbled on the inside. As you read it, a pounding headache formed in your head, a memory suddenly overtaking your senses.

"Listen, only with you will these be safe. I'm hiding it for that reason." You looked up at the hunter who was hiding the last of his spells in your house. You nodded silently, watching him stuff a piece of paper inside a copy of A Tale of Two Cities and then setting the book back on the shelf.

"That was a resurrecting spell. It works perfectly, as if nothing ever happened, as long as the body hasn't decomposed completely. It's not one of the more dangerous ones but still, shouldn't get into the wrong hands," He said as he stood up.

"What if I stumble on them? Will the memory spell be broken?" You asked, cocking your head to the side. The hunter nodded.

"Yeah. Then you're in deep trouble 'cause the monsters can sense it. They'll flock to your house like moths to a lamp. That's why I'm hiding these really good. If you do stumble upon one though, only parts of memories will be revealed and the location of each spell. It's complicated, but it's safer that way. You can follow the trail of memories.

"Each memory will have the location of another spell in a very inconspicuous way, so if someone were to see the memory, they wouldn't know what they were looking at unless they knew what they were looking for? You got it?" You nodded once again, taking a deep breath. The hunter pulled out a spell from his pocket, looking at you and then turning to the bowl on the coffee table.

"Will it hurt?" You asked, your voice small. The hunter smiled gently.

"You won't feel a thing."

You suddenly jolted out of the memory, the paper clenched tightly in an iron grip. Dean looked up at you with puffy eyes, his eyebrows furrowed.

"You okay there?" He asked quietly. You took a shaky breath as you stared down at the spell in your hands.

"I'm-I actually don't know if I'm okay," You responded, your voice not above a whisper. Dean stood up as you read over the spell once, twice, three times. You looked up at him, his eyes full of grief.

"I'll get him back somehow. I don't know how, but I will," He muttered, staring back at you. There was a silence for a few moments before a realisation hit you like a brick to the face.

"I know how to get him back," You muttered.

"I'm sorry, what?" Dean asked. Your voice had been too low, too soft. You spoke louder and clearer this time.

"I know how to get him back," You repeated. Dean's breath hitched, and you looked over the spell in your hands. "But not with this. We need to find Charles Dickens."

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