Chapter Thirteen

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You and Dean searched your entire library, looking high and low and everywhere in between. The book just didn't show up, no matter how hard you looked.

"Dammit... How hard is it to find one book!" Dean muttered. During your long search you had time to explain to Dean what you could do. He was skeptical at first but soon caved, realising there was no other option.

You were about to give up, too exhausted to continue. You sat down on a chair, closing your eyes and resting for just a little bit. When you opened your eyes, something caught them. A glint from one of the bookshelves in your library, hidden beneath the shelves. You slowly crept over there, Dean not noticing as he was preoccupied still looking. You knelt down, reaching your hand under the shelf and removing the object.

You gasped. It was a gold plated book with Charles Dickens written on the cover! You opened it but was quickly disappointed. The title read Great Expectations.

"Why do I even have this?" You muttered to yourself, disregarding the book and tossing it to the side. You continued searching.

Digging through your shelves for hours brought little to no avail. Every single book was anything but A Tale of Two Cities. You shook your head, sighing to yourself and standing up. You brushed off your pants and looked over to Dean who was still searching, going over every shelf twice, three times, sometimes four times.

"Do you want something to drink?" You asked, breaking his focus. He turned his green eyes toward you, shrugging.

"Sure I guess. I could use a little break," He replied. You smiled weakly and made your way into the kitchen, retrieving two beers from your fridge. Dean's smile grew just a little after seeing you grab the drinks.

You two talked about what could have happened to the book and the spell, ideas popping around but none of them seeming quite right. You had no options but to continue looking, and you weren't exactly ecstatic to get started on that again.

And then there was a woman who appeared from the doorway. You jumped back, yelping out and causing Dean to look behind him.

I really need better security on this place. You thought to yourself. Note to self: call ADT. Dean broke you from your thoughts with his gruff voice.

"Who are you?" He asked, reaching behind himself for his gun in his pocket. The woman smiled fondly.

"A friend," She replied.

"Bullshit. Who are you?" Dean retorted almost immediately. The woman sighed but tried to keep up her smile.

"Okay, maybe not friend. But interested party. I think I may be able to help you find your spells," She said. A thoughtful silence followed, allowing you time to examine her features. She had highly defined features, her blonde hair sitting in a messy bun on top of her head. She had striking green eyes that seemed to take in every little detail of everything, and thin lips.

She smiled once more, and for a split second you thought you saw fangs. Your eyes flitted to Dean, who seemed to understand.

"I forgot something in the other room. Imma go get it while you ladies chat it out." Dean excused himself, slipping to the living room where he left his machete. The vampire shook her head slightly.

"Tsk. Men- forgetful, aren't they?" She commented, leaning against the counter. You nodded silently, holding you breath as you saw Dean approach behind her, swinging his machete and cutting her head clean off. Her face was frozen in shock, and you could have sworn her eyes said "you'll regret that."

You took a shaky breath as you saw Dean pick up one of your nice towels and proceed to wipe his machete on it.

"No not that- okay," You tried to stop him but he already wiped the blood off, looking at you with raised eyebrows.

"What?" He asked. You shook your head.

"Never mind. We have to hurry and find those spells, more monsters are going to come any time now. And I get the feeling it'll be more than one lousy vampire." You tried to make your way to the living room, but Dean stopped you.

"Already ahead of ya Sweetcheeks," He said, holding up A Tale of Two Cities and letting a slip of paper fall out from inside and into his hands. "I spotted it while I got my machete."

You felt a grin spread across your features. "Let's do this."

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