Chapter Sixteen

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Dean found the spell under the stairs, killing another monster in the process. By now you didn't bother trying to understand the monsters, you just knew that if someone was there that wasn't supposed to be, they were a monster.

He handed you the piece of paper and surely the next memory started.

The hunter let out an annoyed sigh as he put away his phone, making you raise an eyebrow.

"What's that about?" You asked. The hunter turned to you, stopping a moment to think about what he was about to say.

"A guy I know. Wants me to keep an eye on his adult kids. But there's no way I'm doing that, not after last time," He said, earning a more interested look from you. He shrugged it off, however, and stuck another spell in a secret compartment in your kitchen wall.

You watched the compartment as the hunter shut the door, realising that was the last spell. You looked to the hunter, who already began preparing the memory spell. 


You slowly walked over to the hunter, watching him prepare what would erase your memories of ever knowing him. 


He sprinkled some powders in a big bowl, adding all sorts of different ingredients.


He started chanting an incantation, something in Latin which you couldn't understand. 

And then it all went black...


You opened your eyes, light flooding into your vision and temporarily blinding you. Sam and Dean both stood in front of you, seriousness written all over their faces. You glanced between the two of them, your throat suddenly feeling dry at what would happen next. That was the last spell, and you were sure that after the boys were done here, they would leave as soon as possible. Your heart sank, but you told them anyway.

"That was the last spell," You said, "it's in a secret compartment in the kitchen, apparently." Dean nodded and headed straight for the kitchen, Sam and you following closely behind. 

You led them to the wall you remembered seeing in the memory, looking closely at it. Dean began tapping against the wall, searching for a different sound. It took less than thirty seconds before he found it, using his knife to pry it open. 

The compartment creaked open, and you gasped.

There was nothing. It was completely empty. Your heart started racing. This wasn't possible. It meant someone or something found it. Dean and Sam both exchanged worried glances, then looked to you. You shoved your way past Dean and looked closer into the compartment, searching every corner. As you looked, however, you found another slip of paper. It was tiny and folded several times, hidden in the very back. 

With two pairs of eyes reading over your shoulder, you pulled it out and unfolded it.

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