Chapter Four

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Sam's POV

My mind was elsewhere. It was always wandering to her. ____. She was so kind and beautiful and just amazing. Whenever I looked at her I felt an overwhelming sense of longing, as if it took too long to find her and it was taking even longer for me to admit my feelings.

I couldn't focus on her though, because Dean and I were scouring the sewers for this shifter. I couldn't focus on her, because it might lead me to slip up. It would distract me from life, as Dean said. But when have I ever listened to what other people told me?

So when Dean motioned us to split up to search better, I mindlessly obliged, my mind still not fully processing what exactly I was supposed to be doing as I was... distracted.

There was no trace of any shifter that lived here, the sewers were clean... Well, as clean as they could get. Eventually Dean gave up and I did as well, knowing that we'd have to get back to get as much sleep as hunters could get.

So we made our way out of the sewers, smiling at the one passerby who managed to see us emerge. I sighed as we sat down in the Impala, the familiar setting doing nothing to ground my wandering mind. I was so wrapped up in my thoughts that I didn't notice when Dean was calling my name, until he violently shook my shoulder.

"Earth to Sam! What's up? You spaced out on me!" Dean said, looking at me with suspicion. I shrugged and have him a guilty smile.

"Nothing. Just thinking," I replied. Dean raised an eyebrow.

"About ____, right? That's what you're thinking about?" He asked, not even having started the car yet, but eyes still locked onto me. I looked away, which seemed to confirm his thoughts.

"It is ____. Sam, I don't know what to tell you but stay focused. Do whatever you want when we're finished with this job. Heck, we'll stay a little longer so you can do whatever you wanna do, but for now you need to remember the goal of our visit," Dean explained. I wanted so badly to listen to him, but his words seemed to fly over me. I nodded and kept staring out the other window, watching as the landscape began to move as Dean started the car. I heard him mutter something but I didn't bother trying to figure out what it was.

It wasn't long before we reached the house. I had gotten out of the car as quickly as possible, wanting to avoid any further conversation with Dean. I knew he wanted to help but it just go so irritating sometimes.

I opened the door with the key that ____ had given us, keeping the door open for Dean. The whole house was dark save for a light coming from the living room, and the sound of the television. I decided it would be appropriate to say goodnight before I went upstairs, so I made my way to the living room where I saw ____ sitting on a couch, watching the news.

She turned her head to face me when I cleared my throat, her brilliant smile forming as her eyes caught mine. I felt myself smiling as well, but then remembered it would be best to say goodnight and be done with it.

"Goodnight," I said, giving her a slight wave. She waved back, smiling even wider.

"Night!" She replied.

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