Chapter 1

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WARNING: Swearing is included in this chapter.

Crippling silence gripped the courtroom as the small Italian cafe owner awaited his fate. Behind him in the stands sat his older brother, hand tightly gasping his Spanish partner's, both barely able to breathe. Time seemed to stand still; it was as if the large clock sat on the wall above the judge's bench was deliberately torturing them, minute hand motionless and still. Feliciano could only hear the pounding of his frightened heart in his ears, his own deep, rapid breathing, almost hyperventilating, as a member of the jury handed a slip of paper to the straight-faced judge.

Such a simple thing. A white square piece of paper with one simple word scrawled onto the centre. It seemed like such an inconsequential act; the handing over of the verdict. Yet the decisive event would have such an impact on the young man's life, guilty or innocent; that was the question. Would this panel of absolute nobody's sympathise for the Italian? Did they believe his story of innocence? There was no more hoping now. A decision was made, and the old man behind the bench was clearing his throat, bringing the slip of paper closer to his spectacled face to read the verdict.

"Feliciano Vargas." the judge said suddenly into the microphone sat on his bench. His voiced echoed loudly throughout the room, and everyone in the stands seemed to tense; the Italian in the dock at the front of the courtroom was on the brink of a panic attack. His rapid breathing halted on a sharp inhale as he awaited his fate. "A verdict has been reached." he continued, slowly placing the paper down on the bench. "In light of the outstanding DNA evidence against you, coupled with the lack of witnesses and evidence to prove your innocence...the jury has ruled that you are in fact guilty of the life-threatening physical assault on Mr Kiku Honda-"

"WHAT!" it was the accused's sibling who had spoken, jumping up from the stands in a blind rage. "That is BULLSHIT!"

"Mr Vargas." the judge spoke harshly, tapping the gavel on the bench. "I will have order in my courtroom."

"My little brother is INNOCENT!" Romano roared, having to be held firmly onto by his boyfriend as he threatened to have a violent reaction.

"Mr Vargas!" the old man yelled, hammering loudly on the bench. "If you do not settle down I will have you removed from this courtroom."

The Italian in the dock couldn't even hear the commotion going on around him. From the moment the word 'guilty' had left the judges lips his heart had sunk like the heaviest stone to the very pit of his stomach. He couldn't even tell if he was breathing or not. It was like he was stuck in the most horrific of realistic nightmares; the months leading up to this court date he'd played out this exact scenario over and over again in his fragile mind...never in his life could he have pictured feeling like this. Body going numb, senses drifting away from him. His older brother continued to scream in the courtroom but it merely sounded like distant echo to him.

Another bang of the gavel suddenly brought him back; Antonio having managed to restrain Romano; the judge was ready to give the sentence. "Feliciano Vargas, this court hereby sentences you to two years in the federal prison for your crime; this sentenced is to be served consecutively and is to commence immediately." he banged the gavel again, sealing the Italian's fate.

"THIS IS BULLSHIT! MY BROTHER IS INNOCENT DO YOU HEAR ME? INNOCENT!" Romano raged; the Spaniard having immense trouble holding onto his boyfriend.

"Lovi please calm down..." Antonio begged, his own mind yet not come to terms with the verdict.

Two prison guards were already making their way to the dock to collect the shaking Italian, taking an arm each they gently escorted him into a room at the front of the court. Feliciano went silently, shoulders trembling beneath the two guards and his hands knotted together with the confinement of the handcuffs he was wearing. His clouded mind still hadn't comprehended what was going on. Was...was he really being taken to prison? For a crime he didn't commit! The last months had gone by so quickly, as if in a dream, but this was actually happening. Feliciano was taken to an empty room; a white prisoner transport vehicle waiting for him just outside.

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