Chapter 10

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Feliciano awoke very slowly the next cold morning. A light gloom was cast over his cell that not only seemed to reflect the weather outside but the atmosphere within. He blindly lifted a hand to scrub at his tired eyes; the Italian was surprised by how heavy his arm felt as he brought it up to his face, an indicator of a bad nights sleep. On the contrary he'd actually slept incredibly well, he hadn't woken once from his deep slumber and he felt strangely at ease.

The Italian lay motionless for a long time as his befuddled mind attempted to recall what had happened to him. When Feliciano managed to finally peel open his eyes he realised he was not in fact lying on his own bunk; he was actually on the German's, staring right up at the stone ceiling with Ludwig himself nowhere in plain sight. Feliciano closed his heavy eyes again, letting his hand roll off his face to rest beside his head. He felt as if his mind was no longer connected to any part of him, he couldn't get his thoughts to form any kind of logical pattern; something incredible must have occurred during the night to put him into this numb trance. Feliciano forced his eyes open once more, he gave his head a slight shake from side to side to wake his mind which still seemed to be in a deep, dream like state. When the Italian could finally feel his senses coming back to him did it all slowly start to click into place. Only when he registered the dull, rather painful throb in his rear end as he shifted on the narrow bunk did Feliciano remember what had occurred last night.

The Italian inhaled sharply, stilling on the bed with a hand clapped to his mouth. Last night he and Ludwig had had sex. His German cell mate, his only companion had taken his virginity and Feliciano had let it happen. Strangely enough though after the first few moments of complete shock and lying frozen in horror the Italian very rapidly began to calm until he was feeling perfectly normal again. He hadn't understood what had happened, or more importantly, why it had happened, but it wasn't as if it had been necessarily a bad thing. Quite the opposite in fact, Feliciano had found it rather...enjoyable, amazing even; he'd never experienced anything like that before in his entire life.

Feliciano very tentatively sat up on the bunk, wincing at the slight pain in his bottom. At some point in the night Ludwig must have redressed him because his jumpsuit was back on and buttoned all the way up. The Italian smiled slightly, regardless of whatever was going through Ludwig's head last night the German had still obviously retained some of his caring, protective nature.

As if only just noticing that Ludwig was not in his bed; Feliciano looked down from the bunk to see where he was. The German was sat at their little wooden table with his back to him. He was slumped over in his chair, elbows braced on the table with his head in his hands, his fingers clawing at his hair. From the way he was sat and the way he didn't move a muscle, Feliciano was certain the German had been sat there all night.

"Ludwig?" Feliciano asked softly, having to clear his throat as it came out in a hoarse whisper. The Italian saw Ludwig flinch noticeably at the sudden invasion into the silence, but said nothing in return. Feliciano seemed quite concerned, he slowly shifted towards the ladder and carefully climbed down; the Italian stumbled on the last step as his jellified legs suddenly gave way but he managed to steady himself...he should have expected that after last night.

Feliciano took a cautious step towards the blond, biting his lip. "Um Ludwig?" the German still didn't respond, and the Italian wondered whether he was asleep. "Are you awake?" he asked softly, reaching out a hand to gently tap Ludwig's shoulder. His body moved slightly but still he refused to raise his head; the Italian noticed the German's fingers tighten in his hair. Feliciano moved even closer with his wobbly legs until he was stood right behind his chair, he delicately slid his arms around Ludwig's shoulders, giving him a gentle hug from behind. "Are you okay?"

Ludwig let out a deep, rather frustrated sigh. "Don't." he grunted as he shrugged the younger man off.

Feliciano took a slight step back, feeling rather hurt. "...what's wrong?" he questioned in a murmur. The German didn't answer and instead pushed his chair back and got slowly to his feet, crossing towards the other end of the cell in an attempt to get away from him. Feliciano frowned slightly, "Ludwig..." he hurried over, grabbing hold of the German's arm and attempting to turn him around to face him. "...listen, last night-"

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