Chapter 15

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Feliciano lost count of the amount of times he and Ludwig made love that night. Lost in a swirling cloud of their confessions and deepest feelings. He was doubtful that he'd fallen asleep even once, not wanting to waste a single second of their remaining time together. If they weren't making sweet, passionate love they were holding one another, curled up together in a warm bundle on Ludwig's bunk. Feliciano had never been so happy, and so distraught all at once. He'd made sure to leave an imprint, he'd dragged his blunt nails the full length of Ludwig's back and bit a large purple bruise into the side of his neck as a mark of ownership, to claim to anyone and everyone that the German was his, and only his.

When they were simply holding one another the Italian would cry, tears had run slowly down his soft cheeks all night and the sheets and pillows were sodden through with Feliciano's unbearable emotions. Ludwig hadn't cried, he was trying to be the stronger of the pair. However, every time the Italian had done so the man had pulled him so very close, gripping him tightly and burrowing his face into Feliciano's hair, his shoulders trembling uncontrollably for a few long minutes until he finally managed to contain himself...and then they'd make love once again and all their built up feelings would be suddenly released in a fiery passion, only to be slowly pent up again when it was over and as time ticked on; they knew their final goodbye was imminent.

Clearly by some natural instinct and understanding; Arthur had shown up an hour before he normally would to tell them gently that Feliciano's brother was scheduled to arrive, and he would be back at seven to come and collect him, to release him. Neither of the lovers spoke but the Brit sensed an acceptance and had left silently. Alone once more Feliciano once again began to weep, louder this time, his breath catching in his throat and soft whimpers bursting from his lips as Ludwig tried desperately to soothe him, but even he was fighting a losing battle.

Even though they had no means of telling the time in their cell, over the years Ludwig had developed a strong sense of the passage of such, and so eventually, after a final, slow, heartfelt love making session, the German very tentatively sat up on the bunk; Feliciano remained curled up in a ball on the man's lap, his eyes squeezed shut to delay the unavoidable.

"Feli...we should get dressed." Ludwig murmured softly into the silence, his voice hung there in the air like a cold fog, and there was no movement from the younger man. The German's chest rose and fell with a heavy, inaudible sigh and he brought his strong, rather harshly clawed arms to scoop the Italian up into a sitting position. Feliciano merely slumped into the man's chest and sobbed, moisture raining down his already heavily tear stained face. Ludwig kissed him tenderly on the forehead. "Come on, it'll be okay..."

Feliciano had never thought there had ever been a more horrendous lie; every word the German spoke, every movement to try and bring them to their inevitable end was tearing at his heart...Ludwig had to carry the young man down the ladder of their bunk bed, Feliciano didn't even have the capacity to stand on his feet when they reached the floor and the German placed him gently on one of the chairs by the table. The Italian stared numbly at the wall opposite as the cell gradually grew lighter, his side was aching as a result of the night's activities, but the pain from his wound was just a tiny pinprick compared to the throbbing ache inside his chest; only the heavy pulsating of his heart behind his tired eyelids gave any indication that it had not been wrenched out from within him.

Beside him Ludwig was slowly re-dressing himself into the orange jumpsuit that lay folded neatly on top of the table next to Feliciano's own. The Italian remained sat completely still in his underwear, no intention of even moving let alone pulling on any clothes. He heard a soft sigh beside him as Ludwig finished the last of his buttons, he unfolded the smaller jumpsuit and held it out to Feliciano, opening it at the middle for him to slide his legs into.

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