Chapter 4

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Warning: Swearing is included in this chapter

The American prison guard Alfred Jones wandered into the prison staff room, clutching a mug of steaming hot coffee. It was very early in the morning and the prisoners had yet to be woken up and taken to breakfast. An early riser as always, Arthur Kirkland was already there, sat at the kitchen table enjoying a hot cup of tea; he was hunched over slightly as he was sat reading something on top of the table. Alfred took a sip of coffee, placed the mug down on a work surface before creeping up behind the Brit. "What are you doing?"

Arthur yawned slightly, turning over the page. "Just going through some things..." he muttered softly.

Alfred smiled, placing his hands on the Brit's shoulders, rubbing them slowly. "Hey come on, technically we're on break."

The Brit shrugged him off. "Not at work Alfred." he grunted.

Alfred pouted, falling across the Brit's back. "Loosen up babe..." he murmured softly into his ear.

Arthur gave him a displeased look, trying to push him away. "Get off you arse, I'm reading-hey!" he cried as the papers beneath him disappeared; Alfred had snatched them hurriedly, jumping up off the Brit.

Alfred read the page as he wandered around the tiny kitchen. "Feliciano..." he read the name at the top. "Why you reading his file again?" he asked the Brit.

Arthur sighed, rubbing at his eyes. "I'm just reviewing his seems ridiculous." he muttered.

Alfred nodded, tossing the file back onto the table. "Yeah...the guy's way too soft, can't imagine him even squishing a bug let alone beating a guy almost to death."

Arthur nodded. "Exactly, completely wrongly convicted if you ask me." he said sternly, not seeming to notice Alfred shrugging beside him. "He's so fragile..." the Brit murmured, wincing slightly. "...oh dear, I think I might have to stand guard when he's in the showers..."

Alfred looked slightly horrified. "The fuck dude? What, is my body not good enough for you all of sudden you wanna drool over the Italian guy?" he demanded, glaring at him.

Arthur sighed irritably, whacking him in the stomach. "Oh shut up Alfred, I'm just terrified the poor kid's going to get raped that's all."

Alfred frowned, stepping back and rubbing his stomach. "I have no doubt he will at some point."

"Reassuring as always." Arthur muttered with a roll of the eyes, bringing his tea cup to his lips.

Alfred frowned. "Well why the hell do you care?" he asked.

Arthur took a sip of tea, glaring slightly at the American over the rim on his tea cup. "Alfred part of our job is to prevent that sort of thing!" he snapped, practically slamming the cup back down on the table. "You know I've heard that there's actually some kind of sex auction thing going on around here." he said with a slight shudder.

Alfred pulled a disturbed face. "Creepy...but come on Arthur, there's only so much we can do, we can't guard them twenty-four seven." he pointed out, jumping up to sit on the edge of the table.

Arthur sighed. "Well I wish we could, or the prison would at least hire more men, bloody budget cuts." he grumbled bitterly.

"Didn't know you were so testy about rape," Alfred muttered. "I mean I know it's terrible when a woman gets raped," he added hurriedly when the Brit looked shocked. "...but if it's a guy in prison getting ass raped who the hell cares?"

"Alfred!" the Brit barked. "It's a terrible thing no matter what the circumstances!" he hissed, glaring at him. "Dear God...Feliciano is petrified at the best of times imagine what he'd be like after that kind of ordeal!"

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