Chapter 9

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WARNING: Sexual themes in this chapter.

A familiar sight greeted Feliciano as he followed Ludwig through the heavy metal door into the cafeteria for their final meal of the day. Hundreds of inmates from each of the prison blocks were crowded into the noisy hall, half of them already tucking into their food whilst others were still lining up by the serving station. Alfred and Arthur had just unlocked the door for the block D inmates and, as always, Ludwig was one of the first to pass through it without any fuss or violent jostling; he just swept through with ease and now Feliciano had been given that same privilege. Just two days ago however, someone had tried to push the Italian out of the way, clearly this man had not been aware of his and Ludwig's relationship, and was swiftly brought to the ground by the angry German...when the prison guard's backs were turned of course.

The Italian forever remained at his friend's side and he couldn't help but feel that everyone in the prison was getting more and more pissed off about that fact. At least the American prison guard was relatively happy about it, Feliciano had got the sense that he didn't like Arthur being friends with him, but since he now had Ludwig to take care of him Arthur had receded to the sidelines, occasionally offering the Italian a friendly smile or wave in place of advice or protection that he now got from the German instead.

Ludwig's empty table, as always, was unoccupied and sat right at the back at hall, waiting for the two of them. The German waited for Feliciano to pick up his tray before the two of them made to sit down. It was a routine that had fast become second nature to the Italian, they'd enter the cafeteria together, get their food together, sit down together and eat together and then leave together, all without any intrusions or problems. Today however, was a little abnormal. As he and Ludwig approached their table an inmate sitting close by suddenly stood up and attempted to block their path. He didn't place a finger on either of them, just stood in front of Ludwig, unblinking an un-intimidated

The loud voices around them quietened down to unsure murmurs as people's attention turned to this unusual scene. The German seemed momentarily vexed by the man's strange behaviour. But then, unsurprisingly, his eyes narrowed and his face turned sour; Ludwig's hand swatted violently upwards and smacked the man hard in the face, knocking him into the back of a table and out of their path. His dark eyes then shot in the direction of their audience and the sea of people hurriedly went back to their own conversations and tried not to notice the man who had just been hit as he struggled to get to his feet, blood starting to trickle out of his nose.

"Sorry about that." Ludwig grunted out of the side of his mouth towards Feliciano as they took their seats at the German's empty table. The Italian seemed a little startled by the attack that had just occurred; he always went a little frigid whenever Ludwig lashed out like that...even when it was necessary.

Feliciano smiled slightly, settling himself down in front of his tray. "It's okay..."

The German shook his head, casting a dark look over at the man who had finally managed to stumble back to his seat. "I don't know why that Arschloch didn't just move out of our way." he muttered, picking up his fork.

"Would he normally?" Feliciano inquired, glancing over his shoulder to look as well.

"I don't know whether I've seen him before or not." Ludwig said, eyeing the man a while longer before shrugging. "But everyone does, always." he added in a low growl.

Feliciano spun back round, drumming his fingers anxiously on top of the table. "...maybe it's me."


The Italian shrugged slightly, biting his lip. "Maybe they know, because I stick with you..." he murmured, trailing off.

"That I've gone soft?" Ludwig asked with a snort. "Well if those morons want to risk their skin by taking chances like that then they're going to swiftly learn otherwise." he said with a smirk, and Feliciano could have sworn the German just flexed his biceps beneath his sleeves.

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