Chapter 1

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(Dawn POV)

"Haruhi what happened to your beautiful long hair!?!" I ask my little sister when she first steps inside "oh my gosh Dawn is that really you!!!" She says so surprised "oh course it's me silly" after I said that I squeeze the life out of my dear little sister with my hugging "darling can you stop killing your little sister with that death hug" papa asks me "oops sorry sister" I said letting her go and she goes sliding down to the floor.

"Papa I think I killed her" I said poking my little sister haruhi with my light green umbrella "oh it's alright dear she just fainted that's all. Why don't you put her in her bed" papa said "alright papa" I said I then dragged haruhi by under her armpits to her bedroom I then lay her on her bed and I took off her shoes and socks I then tug my sister under her blankets then I left her bedroom. I then went to my bedroom that's on haruhi's bedroom right side I then got ready for bed myself and I fell asleep before my head touches my pillow.

-Time Skip 6:10am-still Dawn POV- "shut the f*** up already" I said pissed off because I hate waking up so darn early. I then remember I start my first day of second year at the same high school as my little sister haruhi. Anyways I was fully awake now so I got out of my warm bed to be hit by freezing air in my bedroom I quickly got change I put on my favourite knee length dress (she is wearing the same dress that's in her profile picture) and I quickly put on knee length white socks and I brush my waist length orange hair I gotten from my dad I then brush my teeth and I was finished I checked my Iphone and the time said 6:17am 'awesome new record it took me only 7 minutes to change, brush my hair, and my teeth' I thought happily. I then walk out of my bedroom to walk into my little sister haruhi "good morning haruhi" I said happy "whoa good morning sister" she said with shock inside her voice "what's wrong little sister?" I said "I just surprised you are awake at this time" she said "I know I totally agree with you there but I remember that I start my first day of second year at the same high school as my little sister hehehe" I said happily and giggling at the end.

Anyways me and my little sister haruhi are walking to our high school academy and when we gotten there I was disgust by the colour of the school "why is this whole school PINK" I said angry "the principal wanted to paint the whole school his favourite colour" haruhi said shrugging her then she starts walking towards the disgusting colour school I snap out of my glaring towards the school to run up to haruhi and start walking beside her again "also big sister everyone here thinks I am a boy can you just call me your brother or little brother please" haruhi said to me with puppy eyes "fine but later on you are going to explain why" I said "alright when we are home" haruhi said "alright" I said.

"Everyone this here is our new student" sensei said I then was told to tell a little about myself so I did "hello my name is Dawn Fujioka it's very nice meeting you all I hope we can all get along well" I said I then bow a little bit then straight up again "does anyone have questions for miss.Fujioka here" after sensei said that everyone raised their hands I pointed at a red head girl she said "are you related to the honour student haruhi Fujioka?" After she said that I said "well duh we have the same last names" I said straight forward with a bit of sass. I then pointed at a boy with dark blue hair he said "are you single?" "Hehehe yes I am" I said giggle a little bit and blushing a little bit too. "Alright you all can ask miss.Fujioka your questions after class. Miss. Fujioka your sit is in front of mr.suoh" after sensei said that a blonde hair boy raises his hand and he points at the seat in front of him I walk to my seat and I sat down after I sat down sensei started talking about something I learned in France.

-Time skip first class over-

After I walk out of my classroom I was surrounded by my classmates and they all were talking to me "alright calm down everyone I will answer to your questions as best I could but one a time alright" after I said that they quieted down. I then point at a boy with red hair and a scary looking face he said "what kind of food you like to eat?" I then said "well I like to eat homemade dumplings, sushi, and fancy tuna too" I said while thinking what other food I like. "What are your favourite colours" someone says "well my favourite colours are light green and light blue" after I said that we all heard DING...DONG...DING...DONG we all hurried to our next classes my next class is my favourite it's ART.

-Time Skip lunchtime-(Tamaki POV)

"Hey boss have you heard that haruhi has a older sibling?" I heard one of the shady twins say I believe it's hikaru "REALLY MY DAUGHTER HAS A OLDER SIBLING" I yelled at the shady twins also spinning them around too.

(Kyoya POV)
'What haruhi has a older sibling!?!?!' I thought. I quickly type up haruhi's files to see if I miss anything or to see anything mentioned haruhi older sibling all I found was her older sibling was a girl and she is starting her second year at ouran academy 'That's our school!!!!!' I thought.

(Mitsukuni a.k.a honey senpai POV)
'I wonder what Haru-chan sibling looks like. Also what they their favourite cakes they like' I thought while humming and eating my favourite cake it's a strawberry short cake 'yummy'.

(Takashi a.k.a Mori senpai POV)

(Hikaru POV)
'I wonder why haruhi didn't tell us she has a older sibling' I thought

(Kaoru POV)
'Hopefully haruhi older sibling isn't a boy' I thought

-Back to the present-(Dawn POV)-

"Hey Dawn want to eat lunch with me and my friends?" my sister haruhi asks me. "Sorry haruhi instead I am going to head to the library to finish my art project sorry" I said "it's alright Dawn I understand maybe next time" she says with hope in her voice "sure next time" after I said that I headed to the library to finish my drawing of a blue butterfly.

(Surprise...Haruhi POV)

"Hey you guys" I said sitting down at our host club table "hey Haru-chan want a piece of strawberry and lemon cake" honey senpai asks me "oh I am totally fine why don't you eat my piece for me" I said "OKAY" honey senpai said with flowers around him. "Hey Haruhi when were you going---" hikaru says then kaoru was finishing "to tell us you have a older sibling hmmm" after they said that Tamaki senpai starts crying and squishing me in a hug.

"Because it's none of your business you guys" I said angry at them "also Tamaki senpai stop spinning me around right now" after I said that he went to

Kyoya Ootori precious blue butterfly (OHSHC fanfic/kyoya love story)Where stories live. Discover now