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camila cabello — august 6th, 2:30 p.m.

"Are you kidding me?" Lauren spoke into the phone, making it obvious that she was puking. "Your old boyfriend wasn't even that hot, what were you thinking?"

"Lauren! I don't date boys after their looks, alright!" I laughed, rolling my eyes as if she could see me. "Plus, he was ten! The one that looked bad was . . who was it? James? No, it was—it started with a—wait—ugh!"

"It was Jimmy!" I yelled, gasping. Hearing a yelp from the other side of the call, I laughed to tears as she let out a line of curse words. "Oh, I loved that guy. He was so funny and chubby. I like chubby boys, I get to squish their cheeks Lolo."

A faint gawk hadn't  gone unnoticed, and she was definitely disgusted by my liking in boys. "What about Shawn? He isn't chubby, he's the opposite and he's muscular. God, if you don't want him—I'll take him!"

My eyebrows srunched together as I heard those words come from Lauren. "Laur—why would you want to date him? He is really rude and bipolar sometimes. It's like one time he's a gem, and then the next minute he's Mary Pijbbos."

"Mary!" Lauren gasped. Of course she would, Mary was her "nemesis" in kindergarten because she spilled her chocolate milk on Lauren purposely. "Ugh, I hated that girl. She was such a mean person in Kindergarten. You know who I miss? Mikes Kepper. He was a nice one. That lad gave me flowers and cookies on the second day of school." She dreamily sighed. "Shawn was in our kindergarten class too, right?"

"Yeah, but he would never talk. I only knew him since a year ago." I said, pushing the old books off my nightstand so they'd fall into the bin of useless things. "That reminded me, I have to go. Shawn and I are going to dinner with our parents . ."

I folded the last piece of clothing and put in my drawer, sliding the box in as well. "I don't think it'll go great," she sighed. "you know that you guys haven't talked in days."

"Only six, Lauren."



The heavy rain continued to fall, and it was already around four in the afternoon. Shawn had gone to a bakery shop to pick up a birthday cupcake for his friend, which meant that I was alone. My back was aching. Ever since the unpacking and everything without his help, I have been having major issues with my back.

We haven't talked in such a long time. Well, about a week counts right? The only time we communicate is to eat, sleep, greet and other things that didn't matter. I missed how he held me when I fell apart, but I knew that I was way too quick for catching feelings. I wasn't the one to fall in love, most likely because I know they would leave me somehow. Ever since Matt left—I wasn't the same girl that fell in love at first sight. Honestly, I thought it was a gift from God or something.

With it, I wasn't heartbroken so easily.

And we damn well know I won't fall for Shawn too quickly.

As more rain poured, I began to read the books that Lauren gave me for Christmas. She said it was to cleanse my mind, but I think it was just that she was in a hurry. The quiet sounds of rain dripping onto the window had calmed me, and the music that had been playing in the background had energized my groovy side. Lord, what am I saying?

"Mila," Shawn walked into the room, his hand on the side of the door. I closed my book and looked up at him.

"Oh, hey Shawn. What's going on?" I mentally laughed at my awkwardness level because of the fact that I haven't been talking to him in a week.

I scooted away from my spot on the twin sized bed and left room for Shawn to sit, and gladly he accepted the offer. We sat in silence for a few seconds until he decided to speak up.

"I'm sorry," He said, shutting his eyes closed. I grabbed his hand and pressed it on mine, wanting to feel his touch again. "I'm so sorry, Mila. I haven't been trying. I know, I'm truly sorry. These past days have been absolute hell for me, probably becuase Ethan's birthday is coming up and I wanted to make him happy. I forgot about you and the fact that I wanted to make you happy. I ignored it for days. I am so sorry, Camila. Would you forgive me?"

"Shawn, it's not that big of a deal." I let out a short breath and licked my lips in the process. Letting go of his hand, I placed my book on the nightstand. "If we were married, yes it would be a big deal. It's okay, Shawn."

A heavy breath escaled his mouth, the reprieve on his face showing from his expressions. "Friends?"


"Now what do you say, Ms. Cabello? Should we get ready for the dinner?"

"We should, Mr. Mendes." I laughed, nodding my head.

The evening continued with dresses and suits, and a little bit of me stressing out from all the jewerly and the way my dress was way too tight. Shawn said it looked fine, but in my opinion it looked edgy—and that was not my style. That was Lauren's style.

I walked into the living room, automatically seeing Shawn fixing his tie and grunting. "Camila I swear, if you move again in that dress I will tickle you or something."

I frowned, walking toward him so that my body was behind his. "Why, you don't like?"

"No! I love it! I just—well—it's kinda hard to explain."

"Teenage boy feelings?"

"Teenage boy feelings."

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