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camila cabello — august 7th, 8:30 p.m.

"Karla Camila Cabello!" Lauren screeched as I knocked over her cup. I had visited her house today, because it had been a few weeks without her, and I undoubtedly missed her. Shawn was going somewhere tonight, probably because it was the night before his birthday. Lauren raced to me, and smacked my arm. "You little piece of crap! I was going to drink that after my workout session."

My eyes bolded, the eyebrows on my face raising. "Working out, Lauren? It's literally almost nine at night, I'm pretty sure that you aren't going to even last a minute—we just ate dinner, you freak." I said, laughing as she glared at me with her green eyes. "I think that Shawn is going to pick me up at 12:00," I sighed after pausing. "he's at this club or something. I think it's called Lavau? La Veru? Oh, Lá Vaur. I don't even think it stands for anything; some stupid people with half a brain made it up."

"Wait, the club on Rovendale Road?" She asked, with a concerned look on her face. I nodded, grabbing a paper towel to wipe off the water that had spilled from the cup I had accidentally knocked over. She stood across the counter, her bold green eyes piercing through me with concern written all over her. "Mila, why! That club was known for drugging people and doing—whatever the hell they want! Who took him?"

"Jack and his other friends—Sammy and this other Jack."

She bit her lip, shutting her eyes. "Camila, don't freak out."


"Unless you get Shawn, he's gonna get hella wasted tonight."

My eyes widened, dropping the wet paper onto the floor. I rushed to my bag and grabbed my phone, immediately going to Shawn's contact. "Wh-What do I do?" I turned to Lauren, a worried look plastered on my face. I faced back to my phone, the spread of unease written in my eyes.

Camila Cabello
Sent at 8:49 P.M.

Hey Shawn! I just wanted to check on you if you were okay at the club area thing . . I hope you have a great time! Please make sure you stay close to Jack and the others, they won't leave you. Anyways, thanks for seeing this hopefully, don't drink too much. xx Mila.

I quickly showed Lauren my phone, chewing on my lip. I was definitely scared about what was going to happen—and God only knew how exhausted I was from the night before. Fear gushed everywhere, leaving a scarred sensation building up in my throat. I stood mute, waiting for Lauren to say something back.

Minutes passed, and we were already in the car ready to speed to that trashy looking club. The breeze of New York had scared me sometimes, mostly because I knew that the air wasn't just air. It was toxic; like some people around here. Shawn didn't deserve this. He didn't deserve any of this.

"Lauren! Go faster, Shawn's probably drunk by now!" I stressed, facing her and widening my eyes.

"Sorry Camila, but there's this thing called a speed limit! For God's sake, just be patient and have faith in Shawn that he won't do anything!" Lauren sighed, running her hand through the black strands of her hair. She was right; I should just have faith in him. But without the pessimistic side of me—bad things could happen and I don't want to risk it. Better safe than sorry, am I right? "Mila, someone just texted you."

I took a glance at my phone, and pressed the "reply" button.

Jack Gilinsky
Sent at 9:38 P.M.

Your boyfriend is hella high right now. I suggest you come here.

Camila Cabello
Sent at 9:40 P.M.

I know, omw. Aren't you supposed to be helping him? I trusted you, Jack and Sammy.

Jack Gilinsky
Sent at 9:41 P.M.

Yeah but he's lost rn and idk where he is tho! I can try to find him? He was with these chicks and they were flirting with him, Mila. I sense some dramaaa.

Camila Cabello
Sent at 9:43 P.M.

Are you drunk? Son of a biscuit, Jack!

Jack Gilinsky
Sent at 9:45 P.M.

Joking, gtg bye.

"Ugh, that little prick!" I mumbled, making Lauren look at me weirdly.

"What's going on?" She asked.

"Jack mothereffing Gilinsky."


A U T H O R S • N O T E

Idk this was kind of a part one part two chapter style. Cliffhangers are cool too, you know. Fifteen votes for the next chapter? You guys are amazing!

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