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a cute chapter. okay, twenty five votes for this chapter? thank you! a little bit of mature language in this chapter, so if you are offended please watch out. you're warned :) also, this is a short chapter, I'm really sorry! Feel free to PM me on Wattpad and give me some ideas—it would be very helpful if you did not write the message in the comments. xx

camila cabello — august 8th, 3:07 a.m.

I swung the apartment door open, and dropped Shawn onto the couch. The smell of him was inevitable, and may I add, disgusting. I cleaned up, changing into my pajamas and grabbing Shawn's usual sleepwear.

Walking to the livingroom, I met Shawn's eyes; bloodshot red and his breathing slow and hitched.


"Don't—don't say anything. I'm just going to let you change and drink water. I don't want to talk at the moment, just do the things I told you to do."

He nodded, and grabbed the clothes from the counter and headed to his room. Tears gushed to my eyes as I heard the door slam shut; and my hand was on the marble counter, my body leaning on the breakfast chairs. Warm, fresh tears had fell down my cheeks, earning myself a sob waiting to be cried out. My hand was cupping my mouth as the tears fell, hearing the cracked voice of Shawn's coming from behind me.

Quiet sniffles went unheard as I turned around, looking at Shawn with sorry filled eyes.

"I'm sorry. I just—I wanted to get you off my mind tonight. You have been the highlight on my mind this whole week, and I just wanted to think of something else." He sighed, walking closer to me.

"Shawn, just—go to sleep. I'll be here in the morning to give you any-"

"No! Don't do this, Mila. Stop shielding your feelings from me. I hate that, it just lets me know that you don't trust me."

"Well, would you trust yourself, Shawn?"

"No, but I know for sure that I can tell when you're at your worst and when you're at your best. Mila, I know what you felt. You were hurt when you saw me kiss that girl. I still remember you said, "my Shawn."" He said, running a hand through his brown hair. "I just want you to tell me how you feel, Mila. Stop hurting when I'm not around; stop—just stop!" He yelled, panting after. "I want you to be happy, to feel like the happiest person in the world. It's hard when you're keeping your feelings all to yourself."

I had been out of words; standing still with my lips parted. I pushed myself to him, wrpaping my arms around his body; my head against his chest. Tears fell to his shirt, leaving a wet patch in the middle of his grey tee. His heavy breathing had gone unnoticed, making me gulp as he wrapped his strong arms around my neck.

My knees had gone weak from his hugs—it made me feel like I was safe in his arms even if there had been a war displaying in front of us.

I needed him, I needed him to stay safe.

He was my light.


The sunlight had peeked through the curtains, leaving a sunshine morning for me. I sounded so typical and cheesy, but it was what happened this morning. It wasn't gloomy; like the rest of the mornings in New York. Wait a second, please tell me that this isn't sunny just because it's Shawn's birthday?

I jumped up from bed, and rubbed my eyes from the sudden exposure to the sunlight. Shawn rushed to my room and sprawled his self on my messy bed. "It's my birthday!" He said into the pillow, excitedly.

"Damn, you sound like a five year old kid."

He pouted, standing up from the bed and crossing his arms. "You smell like shit."



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