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the speed of votes on this book is lit alright bye haha x.

camila cabello — august 7th, 10:00

The flashing lights had blinded my sight, and Lauren was still by my side even though the alcoholic feel of this club had gotten out of control. People crowded everywhere, and the bar was lonely with only two teenager-looking boys and a bartender that had shown way too much skin. Music overpowered the scene, making it impossible for my yelling to ever make it into someone's ears. Drunken men layed everywhere; the scent of beer still lingering on them. Lauren held my hand tight as we rummaged through the sweaty dancefloor and tables.

Screams made their way to my ears, making me turn to the voice I had just heard. Panic overflowed in my body, causing myself to turn to Lauren with worry on her. "Did you hear that? It was like a scream." I yelled to her, so she'd actually hear me over this music.

She shrugged, her eyebrows lifting as she turned her head to the left and right. I looked everywhere for Shawn—we made our way to the bathrooms, even the backroom where I hoped he wasn't there. Still on the dancefloor, our hands were intertwined and the grip was strong enough to pop one of my veins.

I gulped, blocking my nose with my two fingers as we pushed through people. Scanning the place, I managed to find the one and only Jack Gilinsky.

"Jack!" We gasped, and rushed to the shirtless man standing against the blond haired girl. "Sorry hun, he's leaving." Lauren said as she pulled on his arm and dragged him to the side.

I glared at him, crossing my arms. "Dude, I was having so much fun with her! Why did you take me here?" He asked, his eyes grim from the darkness of the corner of the club where there wasn't as much light comparing to the dancefloor.

"Where the hell is Shawn?"

He rolled his eyes and pointed behind Lauren's figure. The blast of Rihanna's top selling song, "Work" had been playing in the background, making her have a disgusted look on her face. I had took a glance at where he had pointed, and without a thought—I grasped Lauren's arm and pulled her to the bar where Shawn was. Anger blasted throughout my body as I watched him place a kiss on the brunette's lips, moving as she took a grip on his hair.

Was I jealous? No, we weren't even a thing. But the way he looked as if he actually liked it had made my insides scream with flame, and Lauren had taken a look on her face like she was about to beat the crap out of that girl.

I pulled the two apart, earning a deadly glare from the hideous looking girl. Tears bellowed in my eyes as Shawn looked at me straightly, his smirk hidden under the light. Her eyebrows scrunched, giving me an unfriendly look.

"Shawn, get out of here."

"Why, Mila? I thought you said I should have a good time. You want to join?" He asked, the smile going unnoticed.

"I'd rather go to hell than kiss you and that skank." I scoffed, raising my eyebrow. "Shawn, please just trust me. I know that even you're still drunk and God knows what you did this night—you're still my Shawn and you know this isn't good for you. Please. I need to you to be safe, I don't think this is what I meant by that. Please, Shawn." I said, parting my lips at the end. I swore, I saw a glimpse in his eyes that had looked like they were sorry and filled with guilt—but that was probably just the fact that I was in a crying state and tears slipped down my cheeks.

Lauren was in the corner, dealing with that girl who had placed her lips on Shawn. My eyes had stung, and I pursed my lips from the nervousness of what he was going to say.

"Please—just take me home."


The car was filled with drunk and sleepy men; Jack, Sammy, Johnson and Shawn. Jack had taken the back—and the others sat in the middle. Lauren was driving, and I was on duty of puking. Gosh, I never want to be drunk in my life. Shawn had threw up two times, meanwhile Johnson had passed out two minutes ago.

Lauren groaned as the traffic became slower, and Sammy had threw up in the middle of the seat. "Ugh, you sick people!" She yelled as she looked at me with anger building in her eyes.

"Sorry, he'll clean it up later, right Sam?" I asked, looking at the back to see him and the other two boys sitting next to him. He gave a weak thumbs up, and nodded.

The night had passed, and it was already around two in the morning. All of the boys were sleeping, and Lauren's undereyes were dark and grey. I felt bad for her, it was mostly my fault anyways. We had dropped off Jack and Johnson (Jack) to their apartment, and we decided that Sam was just going to stay at Lauren's place so he'd clean up that mess he made . . earlier.

The tired, sleepy Lauren pulled up to Shawn's apartment garage, and dropped us off at the elevator stop. I pulled the limp Shawn from the car, and threw away the nasty bag in a nearby trashcan. He was awake in someway, and he just need a little help to carry him.

I closed the door shut, sighing as I looked at Shawn. He was sobering up—but still wasn't in a good state. "Thank you Lauren, I couldn't have done this without you. I'll pay you later, okay? Thank you, goodnight." I smiled as she nodded and drove away.

Now, I was stuck with a sleepy, sober boy.

What a night.


A U T H O R S • N O T E

wow. the next chapter is going to be vv cute, just you wait. Okay, thank you for reading this book! Fifteen votes for the next chapter? Thank you!

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