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thank you for all the comments and votes! can we get 25 votes for the next chapter? thank you all so much xx. there might be a few flash references . . only one probably haha. if you find them, please comment! I want to see a fellow flash fan. lol, okay bye.

shawn mendes — august 8th, 12:30 p.m.

"Camila, wake up you little slugger!" I said, shaking her from the nap she had teken after making me pancakes. I could tell she was very sleepy from her snores and groans as I shook her. "It's my birthday, and I want to do something special. We're going to Disney World tomorrow, so pack up."

She immediately jolt up, her eyes widening from what I had just said. "I'd never believe you." She crossed her arms as I sat on the bed. She didn't believe me? Obviously, I couldn't just wake her up and tell her that we were going on a plane tomorrow to go to Florida where she would meet Mickey and Minnie. Why am I rambling again?

"Camila, I'm not joking." I chuckled, taking the two plane tickets from my back and showing them to her. Mila gasped, her eyes widening at the sight of them. She wrapped her arms around me in a tight hug, making me a little dizzy from all the squeezing.

"Shawn, thank you so much! Happy happy happy birthday, you adorable, cute, loving, charming boy!" She said into my hair.

"Woah, are you just doing this because I also got the tickets for you?" I smirked, raising an eyebrow.

Guilt washed over her as she nodded, laughing and shaking her head after. I frowned sarcastically and took the tickets away from her and placed them behind my back. "Hey! They're mine!" I shouted, as she tried to grab them from my reach.

A few minutes later passed, and she was panting, meanwhile the cocky person I was—laughing and showing off to her. "You're a butt, did you know that?" She glared, rolling her eyes.

"I'm the best butt you have ever seen, then!"

(a/n: cheesy af and unrealistic but just go with it lmao)


Most summers go by really fast, but this one went so slowly. So many things have happened in the past month, and I'm sure that I couldn't keep up. It felt like a nightmare, mostly because they were happening all at once—but yet it still felt so long. Sure, great things were still happening, but it felt . . what was the word? Cliche. Like the main character of a bestselling book—a fictional one.

These thoughts came to reality.

It was already 8:00 at night, and Camila was was in a vast state of tiredness. She was sleepy, just say sleepy. Her eyes were red from all the packing, which was mostly my fault because I didn't help her. God, I'm a jerk. I walked into her room, seeing that there was a suitcase and a big human sprawled out on the twin-sized bed.


She groaned, her stomach lifting a bit. "You asshole. I was packing the whole day, and you were just watching TV and out for something."

"One, I actually am an asshole now that I think about it—and two, I went outside for a while because Stiles had something to do." (a/n: holla at my teen wolf fandom)

"What's a Stiles?"

"The guy with the brown hair, weird smile, and he's socially awkward."

"Well then, you both are assholes." (a/n: no, they're not, it's for the purpose of the book. sorry for so many author notes, I just need to clear things up.)

I laughed, and made my way to the edge of the bed and sat down. She sighed, flipping over so she layed on her back. We looked at each other for what felt like hours, until she decided to speak up. "Are Johnson and Glilnsky coming?"

"I don't think so, they have studio sessions between now and then. Sammy's busy with his girlfriend—and I think that Cam is going on vacation with his family. So . . it's just us. Don't worry, we'll have seperate beds." A broad smile lit up my face, as I looked down on her. She was fairly small, and her height was way shorter than mine. It was cute, in some way.

Her hands were clasped onto her stomach as she spoke, lifting everytime she sucked in a breath. "Okay, did you talk to our parents? Mine would never agree." Camila flipped up, propping herself on an elbow.

"Already did, sweetie." She yawned, and nodded. "You okay? You seem tired, I don't want you to be tired tomorrow. We leave at three in the morning. Our flight is at around . . Five? Ish?"

"Okay, I'm going to bed."

"Me too."

"Can I sleep with you? In a literal sense . . of course."



Shawn had lay next to me, and my back was pressed up against the mattress. My hair was shooting in different places as I set my head on the pillow, and reached to pull a blanket up my body. Sure, it had been the summer but with the small body I had—the coldness of his apartment got to me.

He looked like he was in a calm state, like nothing else mattered to him and nothing was on his mind. Like he was a blank canvas, waiting to be painted on.

"Will you wake me up, Shawn?" I asked, turning to see his face. He flipped his body around so he'd be facing me, and nodded.

"Of course, Camila."

I hadn't noticed the distance of our lips were so close—and I felt his hot breath lingering above mine. Just kiss me, please. My breath hitched, and with every will I had, I tried to pull myself from kissing him, but the way he lead me on was just . . too good to pass up. Like if I did kiss him; It would go away so soon and I'd forget about it.

Feeling the sutble heartbeat from my chest beating within every look he had given me, I forced my self to push my lips to his. I didn't care at the moment; I just wanted to know how it would feel. The way his lips would dance against mine, and the burning passion that had left a mark on my lips afterwards.

He was taken aback at first, but slowly reattached our lips after a few seconds that felt like hours of waiting.

It was lust, all over the place. The way he'd trail his hand down my shoulder, goosebumps raising above my skin. I pulled away first, knowing that we weren't even together. Were we? Was this just a one time thing?

I gulped, and turned over so I would face the ceiling once again.

Did I like him?


A U T H O R S • N O T E

tf was this chapter ?? lol sorry unrealistic and cheesy, but they're alright. I'm editing this book when I finish it, and I'm looking around .. thirty chapters until I finish this? there will be no sequel. sorry. okay !! twenty five votes ? thank you!

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