Chapter One

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Bill Nye is padding through a thick forest when a glimpse of sunlight reaches through the leaves. He bounds forward, jumping out and into a large desert. Confused, he sits and waits until a patrol pads by.

Bill Nye: *spots patrol* Hello! I am Bill Nye!

Heatstar: Hi, Bill Nye, and welcome to ConvectionClan! What brings you here? *tips head to side*

Bill Nye: *gestures toward readers* This is my audience. We are looking to learn!

Heatstar: How fun! Well, I can teach you the ways of convection. Maybe, you can visit RadiationClan and ConductionClan later. *smiles*

Bill Nye: *nods* Of course; I'll make sure to stop by there. Now, what is this convection you speak of?

Warmpelt: Well, basically what it means is that in a liquid or gas, hotter materiel, which is less dense, has a tendency to sink to the bottom of the fluid. 

Coldpelt: And colder materiel, which is more dense, sinks to the bottom of the fluid because of gravity.

Fluidpaw: This results in the transfer of heat!

Bill Nye: How intriguing. . . what are some real world examples of convection?

Heatstar: We should head back to camp to learn more about that. My elders are well-taught in that field.

Bill Nye: *nods and follows the patrol as they start walking.*

The Patrol: *enters camp.*

Heatstar: *gestures toward the elder's den.* Feel free to go talk to them.

Bill Nye: Thanks! *pads into elder's den*

Boilingwater: Airflow, is that you?

Airflow: *wacks Boilingwater on the head* I'm over here, you blind bat!

Boilingwater: I can't help that my eyes were seared away by the hot springs!

Airflow: *snorts* Well your name is basically a prophecy for that!

Boilingwater: Your name predicted that you would get blown over by the wind and break your leg, then!

Airflow: *tackles Boilingwater and starts punching his face.*

Bill Nye: *turns to the other elder* Uh, hello? 

Oceancurrent: Hello! Sorry that my denmates are arguing. *takes out an empty pot and bangs Boilingwater's head.*

Bill Nye: 0.0 Uh, can you give me some real world examples of convection?

Oceancurrent: Sure. In the ocean, warm water heated by the sun's direct rays on the equator circulates toward the Earth's poles, and the cold water located at the poles moves toward the equator, creating ocean currents. 

Bill Nye: Cool. . . who else can I ask for some examples? *eyes the still-fighting elders warily*

Oceancurrent: Sure. Visit the nursery; they know a lot there.

Bill Nye: Thanks! *pads out of the elder's den and toward the nursery* 

ConvectionClan Queen: The first step to properly torture someon— *turns and sees Bill Nye* Oh, hello! You must be that savvy visitor Heatstar told us about! I'm Steamfur!

Bill Nye: Torture someone? And yes I am :D *pads a little bit more into the den*

Steamfur: These are my kits: Peelkit, Burnkit, and Scaldkit! I'm just giving them a basic lesson in how to use convection to torture.

Bill Nye: 0.0

Steamfur: Scaldkit here loves spitting out scalding water, so watch out for that! 

Scaldkit: *opens muzzle threateningly.*

Bill Nye: I think. . . I think I have to go now.

Peelkit: Mommy, can we roast him on a spit and peel off his skin?

Bill Nye: YEP! GOTTA GO! *bolts out of camp.*

Heatstar: Bye Bill!

Bill Nye: *enters another Clan's territory.* I hope RadiationClan is less deadly! *sits and waits for patrol.*

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